By Peg Prendeville

Thanks to the teachers in both schools in the parish who put together lovely ceremonies and celebrations for the Grandparents’ Day which was held in both schools during last week. All the grandparents who could attend were delighted to see their little grandchildren so happy in their schools.

If you have any unwanted clean clothes, shoes, bags, belts, bed linen, curtains etc. (of any quality), please drop them  to the school in Ballyhahill (9:15am – 3:00pm) any weekday before February the 10th. Your support would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks! Don’t forget the Pub Quiz in Knockdown on the 24th February. All proceeds to the school.

Next Tuesday is Saint Valentine’s Day, in case you had forgotten. Now Pope Francis is inviting all to use Saint Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to invite couples to grow in love and help their children to prepare for their future married life. So the organisers of the World Meeting of Families in Ireland in August 2018 invite you to mark this St. Valentine’s Day in a special way by doing one or all of the following:

A technology-free evening to do an activity of your choice

Set aside time for prayer

Go for a hand-in-hand walk together

A special dinner

Loads of tender hugs

A journey down memory lane: take time to remember how we met and have grown together.

The Loughill/Ballyhahill ICA guild will meet on this Wednesday night at 8.15 pm. The competition is to bring something that reminds one that Spring is at hand. They are also rehearsing for the upcoming Federation competition in singing – as gaeilge!

Pre-registration for the 10K run & 5K Fun run/walk in aid of the Abha Bhán Parish Park, Loughill /Ballyhahill can now be accessed via the Abha Bhan Parish Park Facebook Page or by sending an email requesting the pre-registration link  to [email protected]. The first 100 entrants to pre-register are guaranteed a race T-Shirt so get in early. The event will commence at 11.30am at Gerald Griffin’s National School Loughill on Sunday April 9th.  Race entry is 20 euro per adult, 5 Euro per child or 40 euro per family (2 parents & 2 children). All participants will also receive a medal and free entry in a draw for a signed Munster Rugby Jersey on the day which will be presented by a special guest of honour. Cash & Voucher Prizes for best placed male and female as well as runner- up prizes. There will also be a competition for the best “fancy dressed” 5K participant. Family Fun day guaranteed.

The death occurred in Glin last week of its oldest parishioner – May (Mary) Scanlan (nee O’Connor) of Clonoughter. She had celebrated her 100th birthday some time ago and was active until the last couple of years of her life. Sympathies to all her family.

Carebright welcome you to the Woodlands Hotel, Adare on Thursday February 9 from 6.30 – 8.30pm for a Dementia information evening. This event is free of charge but booking a place is essential. To make a booking email [email protected] or text 085 817 3413. All welcome.

This is a reminder that a Blood donor clinic will be held in Ceol Corbraí Hall in Glin on this Thursday 9th February from 5 to 8 pm.