By Kathleen Mullane

“What A Community” 

What a “Community” – What a “Show” – What a “Night” Well to say the fundraising GAA Lip Sync show, at the Devon Inn on Saturday night last  was outstanding would be putting it mildly to say the least. It went above and beyond all expectations! We arrived at the hotel at 6.15pm and there was a queue of about 50 people before us, never mind the queue that formed after us – there was a great buzz as everyone chatted and forgot about the cold! Doors opened just before 7 o’clock and everyone scurried in to get a good vantage point. There were big screens all over the hall which made viewing good.

Tickets were on sale for some great, generously sponsored spot-prizes along with the Lip-Sync programme once again made up in part of sponsored ads (please support the advertisers). Alan Shortt of TV fame did a brilliant job of compeering the entire show and giving the audience a good laugh – we even got to see Matt Tierney try to get a duvet-cover on a duvet as quick as he could (don’t think bed-making is your ‘Forte’ Matt – Colleen will have to show you how it’s done!). The judges on the night namely (Neilus Stackpoole of Lr. Athea and Spin S.W, Liam O’Sullivan, GAA Vice-Chairman, Michael O’Connor – GAA head and Strictly Come Dancing expert and ‘Madge’ – local You-tube Hitter and busy-body, did a tremendous job and were astonished by the amount of talent before their eyes. Those putting up and taking down the props and organizing the stage for each act must be highly recommended, they were ‘fleet of foot’. Six acts performed before the interval and six after and the cheers that went up from the jam-packed hall as each took to the stage– it was unreal – we had nuns, priests, zombies, men dressed as women, a motor-bike (Honda 50) a rooster and so much more – each act being such a credit to themselves. The amount of practice and time that went in – they all must be complimented highly! The winners of the most money collected were the act ‘Nuns on the Run’ – and the outright winning act was Katherine O’Connell and the outstanding Clodagh O’Leary, they got a standing ovation! After the show the floor was full all night for the disco with Declan O’Carroll – thoroughly enjoyed by us all – no one wanted to leave.

Fr. Duggan at mass on Sunday complimented the organizers and said the Athea community were a great people. Paul Curry – Chairman, Athea GAA, thanked everyone from his hard-working committee and all who helped to make the night the huge success that it was. Can’t wait to see the D.V.D. and if you didn’t get the opportunity of getting to the show on the night – be sure to watch it – it was a great experience. Well done again to everyone, you all know who you are – and hope everyone got home safely at some hour.

Congrats to Claire O’Sullivan, daughter of Anne-Marie and Connie, Lr. Athea who celebrated her 21st birthday recently and got “Happy Birthday” sung to her at the Lip Sync.

Congrats to Jonathan Mulvihill, son of Mary T. and Denny who has got engaged to Linda Hayes of Shanagolden.

Many congrats to the McAuliffe family of Lower Athea on their great win with “Knockout Glory” in Clonmel last week. They got a great welcome home on the night and deservedly so.

Well with the Lip Sync over– we still have something to look forward to this week and next with Athea Drama production of “Anyone Could Rob a Bank”. It runs for 6 nights opening this Thursday 9th, 11th, 12th 16th, 18th and 19th. Go and see it – it’s meant to be excellent. Another great “community event”!.

Sympathy is extended to Jerry Brouder of Templeathea and Mag O’Connor of Upper Athea on the death last week of their mother Nora. Many paid their last respects at Reidy’s in Newcastle West. ‘May she rest in peace’.

Sympathy also to Joan and  Denis Collins of Abbeyfeale on the very sudden death,  at a young age, of their daughter Aoife last week – a niece of Ned White, Knocknagorna and Mary Danaher, Templeathea. Heartfelt sympathy to all. ‘May she rest in peace’.

The Sacristans Anne Mulvihill and Carol O’Connor, who do great work in our church, will have a collection taken up for them on 25th/26th February. Please give as generously as you can.

Operation Transformation has urged all children all over Ireland to do the 10-10-10. That is 10mins exercise at 10 o’clock on Feb 10th as obesity in kids in now a worrying factor.