By Kathleen Mullane
“Lip-Sync” Fever
Well ‘Lip-Sync Fever is well and truly abounding in the parish and beyond at the moment, even our ‘clergy’ have it! Well sorry to say all the tickets are now ‘Sold Out’, so if you were lucky enough to buy one earlier in the time keep it safe – ‘they are like Gold-Dust to say the least. In the next few days there are various fund-raisers going ahead and they are as follows (with the different groups each doing their own fund-raiser).
If you’re in Athea pop into Kathleen Ambrose, hairdresser, where you can buy tickets for a great hamper, this is being organized by the “Tina Divas” group, you could be lucky.
The group the “La-La” Druids have a Quiz in The Knockdown Arms this Friday night 27th starting at 9pm. So everyone is welcome – should be fun
Then on Sunday from 6-8pm Canon Tony Mullins and friends will have a great singing session at Dick White’s. Isn’t it great to see our clergy being involved – come along and enjoy the sing-song.
Sunday at 12pm after Mass there will be a ‘Duck Race’ down at the bridge organized by the ‘Zombies’ group. This should be great fun – ducks can be bought in the shops and pubs at €2 each or €5 for 3 ducks. Who knows your duck might win the race. Prizes for 1st’s.
In all a very busy week and so well done to all those who have volunteered to take part in the ‘Lip-Sync’ it’s been time consuming but no doubt it will be a very memorable occasion, and the main thing is that the whole event will bring down the debt on the GAA pitch.
Incidentally, we are putting on a bus to bring any of the participants home after the disco, but if anyone needs transport to or from the Devon Inn they can contact me or tell Rose at Brouder’s Shop and we will sort out transport (that’s the job I’ve been given).
Month’s mind mass for the late John Hanrahan (formerly of Lower Dirreen and brother of Dan, Helen and Mary) who died recently in England) will be on this Thursday night here in Athea church at 8pm after adoration.
Sincere sympathy is extended to Pat Dalton, family and relatives on the death of Hannie of Glenbawn over the weekend. Many came to pay their last respects at Reidy’s funeral parlour NewcastleWest on Sunday evening last. Hannie was an avid Bingo player and very lucky. She will be sadly missed by her many friends also on the Rural Bus. ‘May the light of heaven be hers’.