By Peg Prendeville
The buzz is back in Ballyhahill thanks to the young energetic Development committee who organised the switching on of the Christmas Lights in Ballyhahill Church grounds on last Saturday night. The local choir sang carols as the large crowd waited to hear the ringing of Santa’s sleighbell who duly came on a specially designed motorized sleigh. It was great to watch the reaction of both children and adults as he stepped out with his bag of goodies for the children. Chairman Tom O’Brien welcomed him and his special guest Seán O’Connor, captain of the Junior football team which won the county recently. Tom thanked everybody who came and also those people who through the years lit up the Christmas tree with no fanfare at all. Seán was asked to turn on the lights and a great cheer went up as he did. It was a great evening with a clear sky and moon shining down and everybody in good cheer. A fitting start to the Christmas festivities.
The Christmas Raffle in Ballyhahill National School takes place next Monday so be sure and buy your lines! This is a very important fundraiser which the Ballyhahill NS Parents Association organises each year. It provides vital funds to help the pupils with extras like computers, sports equipment, days out and much more. All pupils have cards and there is a card in Knockdown also. Lines are €2 each. All support appreciated.
Mass was celebrated last Sunday evening in St John’s Cathedral in Limerick to launch the final documents of the Diocesan Synod. Bishop Leahy formally signed the documents which will be now be sent to Pope Francis in Rome. Each parish has been issued with copies of same for anyone who is interested in reading the result of the synod work.
It was with great shock and sadness that we heard of the passing of Gerry Griffen, Glenagragra at his home last Sunday. Sympathies to his sisters Nora (Glin), Mary (Sligo), brother Mike (New York), extended family and a large circle of neighbours and friends.
This week I remember my neighbour Peg O’Grady whose first anniversary occurs this week.
Eleven more sleeps to Santa Claus. Ho, ho, ho or should it be Oh, oh, oh better get something done!