By Tom Aherne

A meeting to form a Heritage Association for the St Kieran’s area, comprising of Ardagh, Carrigkerry Coolcappa, Kilcolman and neighbouring townlands, was held in the Community Centre, Ardagh, on Thursday, September 1st with 21 people present. The dictionary describes heritage as something inherited at birth and anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition. Heritage is all around us as we go about our daily work and now is the time to preserve and record what we have before it disappears. Ger Greaney facilitated the meeting and Saint Kieran’s Heritage Association was formed. The officers elected were Chairperson John P O’Sullivan, Secretary Mary Kury and Treasurer Richard McDonnell, with more officers to be added.  A lot of different areas of heritage were discussed and people were asked to look at their own areas and to start recording what is around them. For example the name of fields, bridges, crossroads, rivers, forts, Cillian’s, blessed wells, old church graveyards which may be lesser known to the general public and need to be preserved.

The Saint Kieran’s area contains a lot of well-known sites, Ardagh Chalice, Ballylin Ring Fort, Ballyine Mass Rock, Glenastar Waterfall, Campaign House, Carrigkerry, Carnegie Library Kilcolman, Dunmoylan Church, Munnamohill School, Kilbradern Graveyard, Murray’s Hill, Mannix’s Folly, The Blue Hall, Clounagh, St Kyran’s Well, Lisnacolla Castle, Ballyegna Castle, Elm Hill and other places of interest. The aim of the Association is to record everything possible and to mark important dates and anniversaries, such as the 150th anniversary of the Fenian Rising in Ardagh next March.

A Facebook page has also being set up for viewers to view the ongoing progress of the members. There is an increased interest in our heritage at present and people in other areas are doing wonderful work to preserve it. All are welcome especially new people to attend and express their views at the next meeting which will be held in Coolcappa Community Hall on Thursday 22nd September at 9pm.

Father Tim Curtin, has ended his one year term as Administrator of Ardagh/Carrigkerry Parish and he thanked everybody who assisted him to fulfil the duties at last weekend masses. We thank Fr Tim, who made an enormous impression on the parishioners, for his dedicated service and sharing his unique talents with us. We are sorry to see him depart but he is only in the next parish, and best wishes to Fr Tim for the future.

The death has taken place in England of Mary Cregan, nee O’Grady, a native of Barnigue, Carrigkerry. We extend our sympathy to her brother Jack, in Glenbawn, and all other relatives and friends. May she rest in Peace.

The following are the Lottery results from The Old Mill Bar on Monday, August 29th. The numbers drawn were 12,14,16,21, and there was no Jackpot winner. Congratulations to the five lucky dip winners, who received €40 each: Dan Ryan, Ardagh, Mike Molyneaux, Ardagh, Vincent and Nellie, c/o Peadar’s Bar, Michelle and Michael, c/o Ballintemple, Newcastle West and Jimmy O’Donoghue, Askeaton. Next week’s Jackpot will be €8,600 and the draw will be held in Neary’s Bar, Ardagh.

Saint Kieran’s lost to Ballylanders by 1-14 to 0-16 in Round 5 of Group 1 of the County Senior Football Championship at Ballingarry on Saturday, September 3rd. This and other results saw them finish fourth in their group and exit the Championship.  They led by 0-8 to 0-7 at half time and despite conceding an early goal on resumption, worked themselves into a two point lead entering the final four minutes.  The Bally boys scored three late points to gain their first win of the campaign. Their captain Jimmy Barry Murphy pulled the strings, and Kieran O’Callaghan, kicked the points for them. The loss of Paudie McCarthy through injury in the early stages was a cruel blow to the team who deserved more from their display.

TEAM Ray Noonan, Brendan McCarthy, Gavin Hayes, Kevin Meade, 0-1 Mossie Shine, Mike Flynn, 0-1 Mike Windle, Johnny McCarthy, Darragh Treacy, 0-1 Timmy Carroll, Donie Nolan, 0-1 Paudie McCarthy, Jack Ben Harnett, 0-2 Seamus Mangan, 0-3 Sean Mc Sweeney, 0-7 Subs James O’Connor, John Doyle, Niall O’Shea, Ray Cahill.  Management Noel Broderick, Pat Dalton, Mikey Greaney, Thomas Dillon.

Saint Kieran’s club Chairman David Woulfe, received a GAA Sports kit, recently from Dooley’s Supervalu Newcastle West.

Carrig Celtic drew 0-0 at home to Glin Rovers in the Desmond Premier Division on Sunday August 28.

The following notice that appeared in the Limerick Post-dated August 13th, has been brought to my attention. The Irish Forestry Unit Trust, as owners of forest properties at Glensharrold, Gortadroma, Keale and Knocknascrow, wish to notify our neighbours and local stakeholders that these forests are being assessed against the Forest Stewardship Council. If you consider that there are any issues that The Irish Forestry Unit Trust should be made aware of regarding the management of our forests, then please contact us on 061-338406 or by email[email protected]

If a site meeting or summary management plan is required please let us know. The deadline for responses is four weeks from date of publication ( September 10) and the Certification body Control Union contact details: [email protected]  The Irish Forestry Unit Trust is a forest investment fund facilitating Irish pension fund and charity investments in Irish forestry. Its unit holders represent most of the major Irish pension funds. If people have any issues with the above forestry properties, make contact before this Saturday 10th September

The St Vincent de Paul parish annual pilgrimage to knock goes ahead on Saturday 10th September. The bus, which is full, leaves Carrigkerry shop at 7.30am and Ardagh Church at 8pm. For more details contact John Joe Kennelly on 069-76280

Knockfierna Heritage Society Outing to Clonmacnoise (Pattern Day) and Birr Castle on Sunday 11th September. Details from Pat O’Donovan0879977340 or Mary O’Keeffe 087 6990816 and all are welcome.

The closing date for entries for the People of the Year Awards is Monday 12th September and it is easy to nominate someone. Nomination forms can be got by contacting The People of the Year Awards office on 0-1 2057397 by email www.  People do tremendous work above the call of duty on behalf of others, and they deserve to be nominated. The awards shine a light on a percentage of the unsung heroes who are residing in communities throughout the land.  They will be shown live on RTE 1 on Saturday 3rd December.

The autumn is here and Monagea Rambling House resumes after the summer break on Monday 12th September at 8.30pm. Ita has issued a call for all musicians, singers dancers, story tellers, to come along and perform. A great night’s entertainment is promised and tea and refreshments will be served

The set dancing classes have resumed at the Ballintemple Inn Newcastle West on Tuesday nights from to 10.30pm. Great dancing fun and exercises are promised and everyone is welcome. Beginners are always welcome, and no partner required so come along and enjoy. Ring Fiona on 086-3510774 for more details.

Ardagh/Carrigkerry Comhaltas are holding their registration night in Saint Molua’s Hall, Ardagh on Tuesday 13th September from 7-8pm. Classes for beginners only on Tuesday 20th September at 7pm and all other classes will resume on Tuesday 27th September.

Ardagh I.C.A. guild will hold their annual Coffee Morning in aid of the Hospice in the Community Centre Ardagh on Thursday 15thSeptember, between 10am and 12 noon. All support will be greatly appreciated.

A Pilgrimage to Lourdes, departing from Dublin from Sunday 18th September to Friday 23rd September, is open for members at present. They will stay in the Modern Hotel and a special price is available. All the information is available from Elma Hanley on 069-62605 or 087-2436490.

The 85th Annual National Ploughing Championships will be held in Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly from Tuesday 20th to Thursday 22ndSeptember. Tickets for the very popular event are on sale through

Carebright are looking for people who would like to work as healthcare assistants. A healthcare internship program commences in their head office Croom on Monday 17th October. The duration of the course is four weeks, which includes practical care skills and on the job training. Please email for application form to [email protected] or contact Monica Hanley on 087 8310999.  If you would like further information on their training program their Newcastle West office will be open from Monday 19th to 23rd of September. The closing date for receipt of applicants is Monday 26th of September.

A gala concert in aid of Pieta House will be held in St Molua’s Church, Ardagh on Sunday 16th October at 8pm. Appearing on stage will be Anne Phelan, violinist with the RTE Orchestra, accompanist Jean O’Brien, soprano Sinéad O’Brien, musician Charlie Reynolds, tenor Derek Moloney, the Hands in Harmony (deaf choir) Michael Doyle with his golden trumpet and the Ardagh Church Choir. The joint comperes will be Canon Tony Mullins and Seamus Hennessy who will bring their own unique talents and showmanship to the proceedings. Theresa Doyle Mc Mahon, as ever, has assembled a wonderful line up of talent and it promises to be a night to remember for lovers of music song and story. The tickets cost €15 and are available locally from Ardagh committee members, Seán Moriarty, Fr Tim Curtin, Theresa Doyle Mc Mahon, Marie Neary and Nora Conway. All support will be greatly appreciated and the proceeds will go towards Pieta House.