By Peg Prendeville
Jack is back and had a great time with his daughter in the UK. He got to meet his sisters and brothers and all his nieces and nephews. Sadly one of his sisters, Mary Cregan, passed away two days after he meeting her. We offer sympathies to all the O’Grady family. May she rest in peace.
Tom O’Grady has finished up at Brown Joe’s. He wants to thank all who supported him in his five years working there. We wish him well in his future endeavours.
Congratulations to Gerard Barrett, who, along with Pat Short, featured in Miriam O’Callaghan’s TV show last Saturday night. He was introducing us to his new series – Smalltown – which will be televised on TV3 on the next three Thursday nights at 10 pm. Great credit to Gerard, son of Joe and Peggy, who is making great strides in the film world. Fr Pat Moore also spoke to Miriam and said he always recognised the fire in Gerard and is his constant support. We wish Fr Pat the best of luck and good health as he is undergoing more cancer treatment. It was great to see him live on TV.
Congratulations to Áine Geaney, Toureendonnell and Maurice O’Connor, Carrigkerry who were married in Athea last Saturday. A great day was had by all their friends and family.
Killeaney Lotto has reached the €26,000 mark without being won. Keep buying the tickets. Great work has been done in draining the training pitch in the past week. This work could not be done without the funds from the lotto every week. The Killeaney club is justly proud of the facilities in Knockdown and thank you for your support.
Gerald Griffins September monthly meeting will take place in the clubhouse on Thursday, September 1st at 8 pm.
Good luck to all the children who are back to school this week. Most of them are actually looking forward to the routine. It is the teachers who are more lazy about returning.