By Peg Prendeville

Greetings from a sunny Abbeyleix – I cannot guarantee if it is the same in West Limerick.

A huge crowd turned up in Glin on Sunday last to avail of the tours of the castle.  The fine day was an added bonus to all who wanted to view the gardens also. This was a fundraiser to repair the roof of St Paul’s church which is being used, now and then , as a Heritage Centre. Glin Development is very appreciative of the support.

Nesta FitzGerald, daughter of the late Knight of Glin,  and Declan Downey, Tarbert and UCD,  recently launched a booklet on  “An Architectural Tour of County Limerick.” It is available in local shops and Foynes Museum. It is a short guide book of all the interesting old houses and castles in County Limerick. It is Limerick’s answer to the Wild Atlantic Way!

I am in awe of my neighbour Jack O’Grady, who at the age of 92 got his first passport so that he could visit his daughter in England and catch up with his sisters also. I hope he has a great holiday. Jack worked in London in the 50’s and has lots of stories to tell of his time working there.

Ballyhahill Preschool is getting set for September. Call Sharon on 0874587601 if you wish to register your child.

As both Churches in our parish are dedicated to Our Lady – Church of the Visitation in Ballyhahill and Church of the Assumption in Loughill – the parish is marking the feast of the Assumption on August 15th with special prayers. A short history of the both churches will be read before the 6pm Mass in Ballyhahill on next Sunday August 14th .  The Parish Council invite you all to this Mass and encourage you to join in with the choir also.  Thank you.