By Peg Prendeville

“Summer” is passing quickly but without any long spell of real summer weather apart from the two weeks in June. We continue to hope for more.

Best of luck to my neighbour Pauline Sharp who will be exhibiting and selling her equine art at the Dublin Horse Show next week,  July 19th to 24th. Pauline, an English born artist, but living in Glenbawn for about 10 years, has her work in private collections worldwide and accepts commissions. If any of you is visiting the show in Dublin check her out.

Congratulations to the Glin Development committee who keeps the Knight’s Walk in Glin in such great condition. A recent addition is the little bit of poetry on each bench along the route. It serves two functions; it invites you to stop and have a physical rest and then it revives the spirit with the beautiful poetic words. A great idea. Well done.

Social Dancing classes are held in the Parish Hall, Ballyhahill every Monday night from 8.30pm. It is a great way of keeping fit as well as having fun. All welcome.

Welcome home from Australia to Maria Hayes, Glenbawn who is home for a few weeks to catch up with family and friends.

There have been a number of clerical changes recently. It is the first time Athea will be without a resident priest but I am sure there will be a welcome for the new PP of Abbeyfeale/Athea, Canon Tony Mullins, who will also be ministering in the Pastoral Area of Íde Naofa. It is changing times for everyone, priest and people, but we must all try to work together in peace and harmony.