By Peg Prendeville

The rainfall for this June was almost three times the amount which fell in June 2015 with 110.6 mm falling compared to 46.6 last year. Even though we had two lovely weeks at the start of the month the last two weeks of rain made up for the nice weather. Hopefully the sun will appear again for a spell longer than a few hours.

Congratulations to Siobhán and Johnny Fealy, originally from Glenbawn but now living in Hitching UK, on the birth of their first child Bláithnaid Claire during the past week. We wish them happiness and health.

Happy birthday to my neighbour Jack O’Grady who will celebrate 92 years old this week.  Even though he is without his wife Peg we hope he will have an enjoyable day.

Tournafulla & District Vintage club in association with Tuar na Fola Comhaltas is holding a Vintage Run on Sunday 10th July at 11 am followed by a Family Funday at 2 pm in the GAA grounds. All support will be appreciated.

Glin Library will be closed on this Friday 8th July to Friday 15th inclusive for annual holidays. After the holidays all libraries will be migrated to a new Library Management System called Sierra.  This migration is part of a phased move to a single Library Management System. As we will be part of a national consortium, we will have to implement the following changes:

  • Library Members will be now able to borrow up to 12 items at a time.
  • Items can be borrowed for up to 3 weeks (as opposed to our current 2 week loan period)

Fines for late items will be introduced. The rate of the fine is 5 cent per item per day.

But do not panic. If you cannot get them back by the due date you can renew your books online (ask at library) or you can ring Peg at 068-26910  to renew them for you. So keep on reading and visiting your library. “Use it or lose it” might be a good motto to keep in mind

Killeaney AGM was held last Friday night. All committee members staying in the same positions. Chairman Antony Collins, Secretary Mike Cummane. Treasurers Jim Prendeville and Cathal Cummane. The Killeaney Lotto now stands at €25,200. A nice sum to win. Tickets on sale at all local outlets or from committee members.