By Kathleen Mullane
‘Golden Jubilee’
I’m sure anyone that attended both the mass and celebration of Fr. Paddy Bowen’s Golden Jubilee on Saturday night last will agree that it was a most wonderful evening and night. The evening mass was concelebrated by eight priests including Canon Kelly, Bishop Murray and long time priest friends of Fr. Bowen. The choir was exceptional also. The 1st Communion class all attended in their ‘finery’ and the 6th class of Athea N.S. received their certificates of graduation from Fr. Bowen. Margaret Watters, principal Athea N.S. thanked Fr. Bowen for his kindness and being in touch always with the schoolchildren. Fr. Bowen thanked especially all his friends over the years who helped him over his 50 years of priesthood and the main message of his sermon was that “a good friend” is the most important person in one’s life.
After mass it was down to the hall, which incidentally was packed to capacity. Colleen Reidy, Matt Tierney and their band of helpers dished out the most beautiful food and all adults and children were fed to the hilt. Fr. Paddy had a little bar there and everyone was treated to a tipple! Music, song and dance was the order of the night and of course many jokes thrown in and songs sung by many including Fr. Bowen himself and friends. Mary Daly, his housekeeper, was presented with a bouquet of flowers and Fr. Paddy with a book of “This is your Life”. All those who organized the whole event must be sincerely thanked, it was a credit to all. And especially to Fr. Paddy who treated the capacity crowd to the entire party himself. The night finished up with all singing “ Auld Lang Syne” and “Bind us together”. Indeed a most memorable parish Golden Jubilee Celebration. We wish Fr. Bowen all the very best for the future and hopefully he enjoys Lourdes this week.
Congrats to Hannah Scanlon of Dirreen Cross who has celebrated her ‘94th’ birthday this week. Indeed a great milestone to have reached – wishing her continued good health.
Congrats also to Oliver Barrett, son of Agatha, who celebrated his 40th birthday at the Top of the Town on Saturday last.
Sympathy is extended to the Kelleghan family of Knocknagorna on the death of Vincent Culhane of Foynes at a young age over the weekend. Vincent was son of Catherine and the late Willy Culhane. ‘May the light of heaven be his’.
A good crowd attended our hall meeting last week. An amount of work has been done over the past while to the hall, new toilets, painting, tiles, blinds, sports-hall lights and much more. As always your support for the hall is ongoing and wasn’t it great once again to have it for Fr. Bowen’s celebration at the weekend.
You are also asked to please support the forthcoming GAA 500 draw, there are some great money prizes and by buying a ticket you are helping to offset the debt on the beautiful new
pitch & walking /running track.
Well done to Jacqueline O’Connor who appeared on TV3 this Tuesday having won a washing machine & prize for the Athea Club having entered a GAA competition. Ger Canning was there to meet the excited O’Connor family.