by Peg Prendeville
Well, after 16 months of preparation and meetings and three days of good humour, passionate debates, energy and buzz in Mary Immaculate College the Limerick Diocesan Synod finished up last Sunday evening with a Mass in St John’s Cathedral. But, we were reminded that “synod” means journey and our journey continues. But some of us delegates can take a breather for a while. You will read all about it in local newspapers but let me share how it was for me personally. The whole journey from December 2014 to now was full of lovely moments; meeting lovely like-minded people, learning new insights into our faith, hearing other people’s views which may or may not agree with my own but which are just as valuable. I learned that the Holy Spirit speaks through us all in different ways. It was great to observe how the laity and the clergy mixed with one another in camaraderie and on an equal level. Nobody lorded it over another. The priests said it was lovely to work with the laity and see the depth of their faith while the laity was pleased to hear things from a priest’s point of view. It was lovely also to work alongside young people who were excited at the whole prospect of the church wanting to be woken up and actually listening to their ideas! The whole event energised everybody present and filled us with hope that a whole new way of life and church is ready to open up. Or maybe I am very naïve still? No, I believe that changes will be made for the good, some may take time to come to fruition but the seed is sown. We will continue the
journey. I must add that the planning and organisation that went into the whole process was second to none and top marks go to the Diocesan Office personnel and the
Preparatory team for their hard work and dedication to detail. I did not hear one complaint during the whole weekend!
Congratulations to the Knockdown Vintage team who had a very successful fundraising event on Sunday last, despite the awful weather. All profits went to the Jack and Jill Foundation charity.
The Killeaney club is once again taking part in the National Spring Clean Up which is sponsored by An Taisce every year. So, depending on weather, they will be cleaning up the local roads around Knockdown on whatever evening the sun is shining. It is a disgrace that this work should have to be done but anyone who walks the roads can see they are littered with bottles and cans and even dirty nappies. It is hard to understand the minds of those who throw their rubbish out for somebody else to pick it up. But c’est la vie!