By Peg Prendeville

Isn’t it amazing what a few fine days can do? All of a sudden, as soon as we get a glimpse of the sun, people are out preparing ground for a garden. Nothing could be done all along as the soil was so wet but a few fine days can make such a difference. Hopefully the good spell will continue for a while.

A large crowd attended the fashion show in Glin last Friday night which was organised by the Abha Bhán Parish Park committee. This group was set up recently to raise funds for a children’s park in Loughill. Though I was not there myself I understand that it was well planned and that everybody had a good night and that the pubs in Glin were full when the show was over. I am sure that all monies raised will be much appreciated.

Congratulations to Lisa Daly, Dromagarraun, who won a bronze medal for her sugar craft creation in the novelty section of the Irish Sugarcraft Show which took place in City West, Dublin last Saturday and Sunday. Lisa entered the “Fire and Water” section creating and moulding two dragon figures spitting fire into an ocean. All edible.

The Strictly Dancing contestants are practicing every spare minute for the competition coming up in April. This is to raise funds for the Gerald Griffin’s Ladies and the Bally Rovers. I commend them for the novel fundraising idea and envy their energy! Please support them on April 22nd  in the Devon Inn.

The Ballyhahill/Loughill ICA members held their March meeting last Wednesday 9th. The guild wishes to thank the Young Tenekilla Wrenboys for their donation received recently.  It was very thoughtful of them. The members attended a talk on Mental Health organised by Abbeyfeale ICA on Tuesday March 15th and enjoyed meeting up with fellow members. The AGM of the guild will be held on April 13th. All members are holding their current positions for another year under the presidency of Daisy Kearney who is doing a very efficient job together with secretary Pauline Sharp.

Don’t forget the new opening hours for Glin library as follows.

Monday: closed
Tuesday 10 to 1pm & 2 to 5pm
Wednesday 10 to 1 pm and 6 to 8pm
Thursday 11 to 2 pm
Friday 10 to 1 pm & 2 to 5pm