By Peg Prendeville
We are just over our 9th storm this winter. Thankfully no major destruction has been done to West Limerick but we are getting tired of the wind and the rain. We’ve had Abigail, Barney, Clodagh, Desmond, Eva, Frank, Gertrude, Henry and Imogen, all furious and venting their tempers. Jake is next, I believe.
It was sad to hear that four of Glin’s citizens passed away recently. Sincere sympathies to the Connolly families on the death of Mary, a lovely kind woman; to the Reidy families on the death of John in Killeaney; to Anita Murphy and the Enright family on the death of Peggie Mulvihill; and to Maureen O’Brien, originally from Limerick, on the death of her sister Noreen at a young age. May they all rest in peace. They will all be missed in their own way.
Of course the nation was sad to hear of the passing of Terry Wogan, originally from Limerick, who left a huge impression on all of his listeners In Ireland and the UK.
Lent begins today Wednesday February 10th so Easter will be early this year with Easter Sunday on March 27th. Lent is not as punitive as it used to be when I was growing up but it is still a season which a lot of people observe in one way or another. Instead of giving up something a lot of people take up something instead. With that in mind Loughill/Ballyhahill parish has arranged Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Thursday of Lent in Loughill from 5-6 p.m. and in Ballyhahill each Friday morning after 9 a.m. Mass until 10.30 a.m.
The Months Mind Mass for Fr. Jim Noonan R.I.P. will be celebrated in Foynes on Friday 19th February.
Last Sunday was Synod Sunday when people were asked to focus again on the upcoming Diocesan synod and intensify our awareness, interest, connection and involvement. As a result of the questionnaires last year six themes were chosen for the synod in April as follows:
- Community and a sense of belonging
- Faith Formation
- Pastoral Care of the Family
- New Models of Leadership
- Liturgy and Life
- Young People
To assist delegates in creating proposals for action on these themes parishioners who may have ideas are asked to share them with the delegates (Peg Prendeville and Jean O’Rourke in Ballyhahill) or email them directly to [email protected].
Next Sunday is Valentine’s Day so don’t forget to spread the love!