By Kathleen Mullane
‘Bits & Bobs’
Congrats and good wishes are extended to Eamon O’Riordan of Clash, son of Mary and Ned, who, over the weekend, was awarded “The Best Trad Album” for 2015 along with Tony O’Connell on concertina (originally from Glin). They were awarded prize money of €1,600 and voting was on-line. A huge crowd gathered at ‘The Gleneagle’ in Killarney at the weekend where Irish music was in abundance. The Gleneagle and Killarney Gathering were the sponsors of the event. No doubt this isn’t the last we will hear of this very talented couple of musicians.
Well, Saturday night last here in Templeathea wasn’t too much unlike Killarney when the Athea Wrenboys held their usual annual Wren Party at Mike Hayes’ old house. The music and singing was next to none and visitors who attended agreed the talent was unreal and that it was the best night ever. Isn’t it great these fun-filled nights of excellent music and entertainment still exist.
Well no doubt everyone is looking forward in anticipation to “The Hen Night Epiphany” which starts on this Thursday night and continues next week also. If last year’s production of ‘The Real McCoy’ is anything to go by – this year’s production should be equally as good. Best of luck to them.
Sincere sympathy is extended to Josie Roche and her family, Eamon, Maura and Tommy and extended family of relatives on the death of Patrick, Benmore, Templeathea, last week. Many came to pay their final respects at Kelly’s Funeral Parlour. Burial followed concelebrated Mass. ‘May he rest in peace’.
The sudden death also occurred last Wednesday of Mary Brouder of Knocknaclugga. Mary was well known to many and a regular goer to the Desmond Complex in Newcastle West. She was laid to rest after Requiem Mass. ‘May the light of heaven be hers’.
Great to hear that “Team Limerick Clean Up 2” takes place again this year on Good Friday. Last year was a huge success all over the County when men, women and children lent a hand to pick up rubbish along the roads, idly thrown out by disrespectful individuals. Many bags were filled on the approach roads to Athea but now yet again many bottles, cans and rubbish bags have been thrown out onto the roads and ditches. It’s great for kids to help out with the adults as it shows them that it’s not right to throw rubbish around .