By Kathleen Mullane

“Love is in the Air” 

Well, this Sunday, February 14th is ‘Valentine’s Day’ and no doubt it’s a day much looked forward to by our younger people who will be looking out for the postman to see if there’s any anonymous ‘admirers’ out there! The florists will be busy of course too getting the bouquets of roses etc ready and of course there will be boxes of chocolates in abundance. Isn’t it grand to be young! But I suppose we all had our day. This year is extra special as it is a “Leap Year”. So maybe there are a few ladies in our midst who might have the courage to go down on bended knee and propose when they have  “the once in a 4 year opportunity”.

Incidentally we congratulate Christina Mullane (daughter of Mary and Dinjoe) Lower Athea who recently became engaged to Oakley Costello (son of Carol and John, Glin). The engagement took place in Paris 

Congratulations also to Sandra O’Carroll, Park (daughter of Lillian and Brendan) and Mike Doody, Abbeyfeale (son of Helen and Jim) who got engaged recently

Sincere sympathy is extended to Diarmuid O’Riordan, Athea Pharmacy (and the O’Riordan family) on the death of his father Jerry over the weekend. Many came to pay their last respects at Hartnett’s Funeral Parlour, Abbeyfeale on Sunday evening. Burial followed Requiem Mass on Monday. ‘May the light of heaven be his.

Well, ‘Imogen’ hit us with ferocity on Sunday night with very high speed winds. This has been our 9th storm in recent weeks, with “Jake” being the next on the list. Thankfully there was no damage in the area.

There is a “suggestion box” at the back of the Church where you are encouraged to drop in any ideas you may have which can be taken by the delegates to the Synod meetings. Just mark them ‘Athea’ so they will know what parish has sent them.

Ashes will be distributed at both the 9.30 am and 7.30pm Mass today – Ash Wednesday. Tuesday Mass time change for lent is 7.30 pm to help workers who may like to attend a weekday Mass for Lent.

A few tips I came across that can keep you young besides thinking about ‘Botox’ or ‘Face-Lifting’!

  1. Keep only cheerful friends – grouches pull you down.
  2. Enjoy the very simple things in life.
  3. Laugh often, long and loud – laughter is the best medicine.
  4. The tears happen – endure, grieve and move on.
  5. Surround yourself with what you love whether it’s family, pets, music, hobbies or whatever.
  6. Keep learning – an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

Thought for this Valentine’s weekend –

“Openness and honesty are the building blocks that sound relationships are made of”