By Kathleen Mullane
‘Bits & Bobs’
Sincere congrats and good wishes go to two birthday people this week. On Saturday night last Margaret Mary Mullane (daughter of Hannah and John, Templeathea) celebrated her 21st birthday along with her family and college friends from Galway in Abbeyfeale and at her home. She came home from Holland to celebrate the “special event”.
Also on Saturday night Mark O’Connor (son of Julie and Gerard of Barrack Street) celebrated his 21st at Brown Joe’s here in Athea. Family and friends had a very enjoyable night.
Congrats are also extended to Kathleen and Gerry Griffin, Brookfield House, who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a trip to France. Wishing them many, many more years of wedded bliss!
A reminder that the Tidy Towns group are meeting up again on this coming Saturday 31st from 10am to 1 pm at Templeathea Cemetery. They’ve done great work so far removing the ivy from the old church and with some more “helping hands” and volunteers it should make it much quicker to get done. The group thank everyone who gave to their church gate collection over the weekend. The money raised will help make Athea a lovelier place than you could imagine – every year it gets better. Well done also to the group for getting second in “Going for Gold” last week at the Strand Hotel in Limerick.
Next Monday night, November 2nd, will be a very special night at 7.30pm Mass here in the church. All those who passed away over the past 12 months will be remembered by one of their family or relatives lighting a memorial candle for them to be placed on the altar. There will also be two other Masses at 9.30am and 11am on this “All Souls’ Day”
A great crowd gathered near the Memorial Hall on Saturday evening for the unveiling of the Con Colbert Memorial organised by the West Limerick Republican Movement committee. His great niece, Ide Colbert Lenin performed the unveiling and his great grand-niece played the harp. There was also some singing later on in the evening. Tea and scones etc were served to all in the hall after. The hall was decorated with posters and information on the walls, beautifully done by the Athea N.S. children. In all it was a lovely celebration. The plaque is located at the right of the hall at the bottom of the Fairy Path.
Congrats and good wishes are extended to Claire Moran (daughter of Mary and Henry of Toureendonnell) who was married on Friday last here in Athea Church to Jack Burke of Cork. A great day was enjoyed by family, relatives and friends at the Devon Inn Hotel.