By Peg Prendeville
Congratulations to Joe and Marian Harrison, Knockdown on the marriage of their son John to Laura Holt in Scotland last week. John and Laura will live in London. We wish them a happy future together.
Congratulations to Peg O’Grady who celebrated her 90th birthday with family and friends in Brown Joe’s last Friday night. It is great to see her looking so well. This is my tribute to her.
Peg, Bet you never thought you’d see the day
When you would be ninety years.
What a lot of living you have done
What joys, what fun, what fears.
I know you’ve had your challenges
Your heart attack, your stroke
But think of all the blessings too
And the kindness of your folk
Who care for you with patience
And tend to all your needs
You never want for anything
As you pray daily with your beads.
May your birthday be the “bestest” yet
With Jack at your fireside
In your cosy, warm dwelling
Where you both happily abide.
May your grandchildren all surround you
And your great-grandchildren too
With your loving sons and daughter
Who are cheering just for you.
May your remaining years be happy
May you have a peaceful mind.
Living joyfully in your own home
Is the best treasure you will find.