The Cast and Crew of Athea Drama Group's Production of 'It's the Real McCoy' presenting a cheque for €2,500 to Cora O’Brien on behalf of Pieta House

The Cast and Crew of Athea Drama Group’s Production of ‘It’s the Real McCoy’ presenting a cheque for €2,500 to Cora O’Brien on behalf of Pieta House

Knockdown Vintage Club along with Estuary Macra 

Are holding a Vintage Car/Tractor, a Modern Tractor Run and a Raffle on Sunday, 29th March.

These events are taking place at The Knockdown Arms. Lines are on sale now at €2 each for the following prizes

1st Prize: €100 Voucher for any of  the O’Donoghue Hotels, Killarney. 2nd Prize:5 Bags of Coal. 3rd. Prize: 10 Bags of Turf. 4th Prize: Hamper .5th Prize:  Meal Voucher for Shannon House, Foynes

6th Prize: Voucher for Serenity Beauty Salon, plus various other Prizes.

Proceeds from the day will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul.

Great Southern Trail
A walk is planned for Sunday 15th March at 2:30pm to experience the new loop walk at Tullig. Starting from Halla Inse Bán then walking west along the trail, up Tullig road, rejoining the trail at Devon Road before heading east through Tullig Wood back to Hall Inse Bán.
This is an easy walk, 7.8km long and taking approximately 2 hours. High visibility vests are essential.
A cycle has also been arranged at the same time along the trail to Fergusons Viaduct then back to Halla Inse Bán. Helmets and high visibility vests should be worn as the route is partially along public roads.
Bikes are available on the day from Pedal Pursuits Bike Hire (086 8134061).

Beidh cúpan tae agus bhonnóg le fáil ag an críoch. Fáilte roim cách agus Lá Aoibhinn Naomh Pádraig.

Brú Columbanus Handbag Fundraiser

 Brú Columbanus provides “home from home” accommodation to families of long term and critically ill persons who are patients of any of the Cork Hospitals and Hospice. This is invaluable to people who live far away from these hospitals when they have a family member who is in a critical condition.

This accommodation is provided free of charge.

Brú Columbanus is an independent charity which relies totally on donations and fund raising to keep the service running.

The charity are having a Handbag Sale on Saturday 25th April, from 10am to 3pm at Brú Columbanus, Cardinal Way, Wilton, Cork.

If anyone has new or relatively unused handbags that they would be willing to donate to this charity you can drop them to Lillian at the Cairde Duchais Office in Athea on weekdays between 9am and 12 pm. The handbags must be in good condition.  Your support would be greatly appreciated.