By Peg Prendeville

Sympathies to Johnny and Conor Mullane and families Knocknagorna, on the death of their sister Joan recently; to Mary Ellen O’Connor, Turraree and her family on the death of her father Batt O’Connor and to the family of Denny Enright, formerly of Turraree, who died recently. May they all rest in peace.

A Parish Hall meeting will be held on this Thursday night March 26th at 8.10 pm in Ballyhahill. All members are asked to attend, please. New members are always welcome to join the committee. Our Parish Hall is a great asset to the parish and it is important that it be kept running smoothly

ICA member Peg Prendeville, was shortlisted in the ICA National Creative Writing Short Story competition with the theme “Peace at last”. Peg will attend the final of these competitions in An Grianán this weekend when the overall winner will be announced. Rita Horgan from Abbeyfeale is one of the shortlisted also so it should be an enjoyable weekend.

Estuary Macra will hold its annual Table Quiz on this Friday March 27th in the Knockdown Arms at 9pm. €20 per table, all welcome! This will be followed by the Vintage Run on March 29th with the Knockdown Vintage Association. All support will be appreciated.

The Easter Vigil Mass in Loughill/Ballyhahill will be at 9pm in Loughill on Saturday April 4th. There will be a Dawn Mass in Kilteery at 6 am on Easter Sunday followed by a Mass in Ballyhahill at 10 am and  in Loughill at 11.15 am. Confessions will be available after the vigil Mass in Loughill and after Mass on Palm Sunday in Ballyhahill next weekend. Confessions will be held in Newcastle West on Saturday 28th from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm.

The parish delegates are happy to learn that people are discussing the questionnaire in their homes and ask that all questionnaires be returned to both Churches next weekend in the envelopes provided. If anybody did not get a questionnaire they are available at the back of both Churches. Alternatively, internet users can fill a questionnaire online at if they wish. Your co-operation is appreciated and welcome.