By Tom Aherne
Mary Kury launched her book Ardagh Graveyards and Ardagh Cemetery at a well attended function at Saint Molua’s Hall Ardagh on Saturday February 28th. She gave a very interesting and informative talk at the outset on the book and its contents. With the aid of a screen projector she was able to describe the different types of headstones Inscriptions and Iconography and the different stonecutters whose work is to be seen there. Mary gave lots of information on how the work in the Graveyards and Cemetery was carried out. She also broke down the number of different memorials and the most popular names buried there and where they came from. Mary also showed photographs of events held in Ardagh Church from her late father’s collection, which attracted a lot of interest. Ardagh ICA members were in charge of catering and they excelled themselves providing an abundance of niceties which were eagerly devoured on a cold windy night outside.
The book contains 252 black and white pages with the illustrations in colour and it is printed in glossy paper and in easy readable print. This book should be in every house in the locality plus many others who have relatives buried in Ardagh. All the headstones and inscriptions are shown in full colour and there is a vast amount of information within its covers. We all owe Mary and all who worked on the project our thanks for making the book available to the general public. It is on sale for €20 and it can be got at Ardagh Post Office and Shop. All the proceeds from the sales will go to Ardagh Development Association for the upkeep of the graveyard and cemetery.
Carrig Celtic held the fourth draw in their 300 Club Draw at Moore’s Bar Carrigkerry on Sunday March 1st. Congratulations to the following lucky winners. First Prize €1,000 Gerard Moran, Carrigkerry. Second Prize €250 Joe Dowling, Ballinabearna, Old Mill. The following won prizes of €50 each. Shane O’Connor, Tarbert, Bridie Noonan, Dromcollogher, and Katie Guina, Carrigkerry.
The following are the Lottery results from The Thatch Bar, Newbridge, on Monday March 2nd. The numbers drawn were 5,19,20,23, and there was no Jackpot winner. Congratulations to the lucky dip winners. €60 Tom Harnett, Coolacokera, Ardagh. €60 Ita Kirk, Reens Ardagh. €60 Tim Madigan, Ballyegna, Ardagh. €30 Patrick Mullins, Glenville, Ardagh. €30 Nora Ambrose, the Cottages, Ardagh. €30 Willie Treacy, Ardagh. Next week’s draw will be held in Neary’s Bar, Ardagh, and the Jackpot will be €9,600.
Congratulations to Mike Young and Mike O’Mahoney who were prize winners at the Flag Floor card game held on Wednesday February 25th.
The death has taken place of Mary O’Sullivan, (Nee O’Connor) Ballintubrid, Newcastle West, peacefully at Milford Care Centre. She lay in repose at Reidy’s Funeral Home, Newcastle West on Tuesday March 3rd from 6pm to 8pm, followed by removal to Monagea Church. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated at 12 noon on Wednesday followed by burial in the local cemetery. We extend our sympathy to her husband Denis, daughters Theresa O’Sullivan, Carrigkerry, and Julianne, brothers sister, son in law Cathal O’Sullivan, grandchildren, aunt, brothers in law, sisters in law, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, relatives and friends. May she rest in Peace.
We extend our sympathy to Mary Teresa Hurley, teacher in Coolcappa N.S., on the death of her mother Nora Hurley, (nee Broderick) Lower Athea on Thursday February 26th. Her remains were removed from Kelly’s Funeral Home, Athea to nearby Saint Bartholomew’s Church on Friday evening. She was laid to rest following Requiem Mass, in Holy Cross Cemetery on Saturday February 28th. Sympathy also to her nephews, nieces, other relatives, neighbours, and friends. May she rest in Peace.
Johnny McCarthy and Darragh Treacy from the Saint Kieran’s club were members of the Limerick team that lost to Armagh by 2-16 to 1-6 in Round 3 of the National Football League Division 3 at Fitzgerald Park Kilmallock on Sunday March 1st.
Alva Neary, and Mai Kennelly from the Old Mill club were involved in Limerick’s 5-6 to 2-2 victory over Louth in Round 3 of the National Football League Division 4 at Termonfackin, on Sunday March 1st. They top the table at present and meet Derry in Round 4 in Martinstown, on Sunday 15th March.
The Vigil Mass in Saint Kyran’s, Coolcappa from Saturday March 7th now takes place at 7.30pm.
Sue Mullins from Ballyvoughane, Ardagh is a member of the cast of The Loves of Cass Maguire by Brian Friel the latest production from Knockaderry Drama Group. She plays the demanding role of Cass, who returns to her family in Ireland after spending 52 years in America to an unexpected welcome.
The annual Trocaire appeal takes place over Lent and all households are asked to pick up a Trocaire box. Household members are asked to make a donation on a daily or weekly basis over the seven week duration of Lent. € 2 a day will help support communities affected by drought to install an irrigation system ensuring they are less reliant on erratic rainfall to grow crops. €2 a day will provide seedlings for a family to plant trees helping to increase soil fertility for growing food. €2 a day will provide a small business loan enabling people to start a small business ensuring they are able to feed their families. We are told that 91 cents of every euro collected goes on charitable expenditure, 8 cents is spent on the cost of generating funds, and 1 cent is spent on governance costs.
Kilcolman N.S. are now enrolling for the new school year commencing in September. Please ring the school at 069-60005 for full details. To enroll in Saint Molua’s Ardagh N.S. please ring 069-76353.
The Stations of the Cross will be recited each Sunday at 2.30pm during Lent in Calvary Cemetery, Newcastle West. All people who have relatives and friends buried there are welcome to come along and pray for them and to participate in the ceremony.
The West Limerick Singing Club will hold a traditional fundraising concert in Fr Casey’s Clubhouse, Abbeyfeale, on Saturday 14th March at 8pm. The concert will include top class musicians, singers, dancers, and story-tellers. The admission is €10 and all are welcome.
The Shannon Estuary Cancer Memorial Run will take place on Sunday 15th March at 1.15pm with registration in Foynes Community Centre. All the details of the run are on the website www.shannonestuary cancer memorial All the proceeds go to the Irish Cancer Foundation and the mid west Cancer Foundation. All support will be greatly appreciated.
The senior Scór table quiz final will be held in Castlemahon Community Centre on Wednesday March 18th at 8pm. The entry fee for a team of 4 is € 20 and clubs can enter more than one team. The winning team will represent Limerick in the All Ireland Scór Finals in City West Dublin on April 25th.
West Limerick 102 FM are holding a fundraising race night in Cleary’s Bar, Newcastle West, on Friday 20th March, to raise funds to upgrade the transmission equipment in Abbeyfeale, and all are welcome.
Stephen Goulding, Deputy Principal of Listowel Community College and Carrigkerry native, has been in touch with the following. North Kerry College of Further Education formerly Listowel Community College are holding an Open Day, on Wednesday, 25th March from 2pm-6pm. All are welcome to talk to the staff about all the courses on offer here at the College such as Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses and our VTOS programme .The college has many courses such as, Hairdressing, Animal Care, Business, Nursing, Art Pre-University Arts, Horsemanship, Music Technology Web App Development & many more at both Level 5 & 6 .Apply online now – or ring the school 06821023for further details.
Daffodil Day will be held on Friday 27th of March this year. People who wish to volunteer on the day or to donate daffodils please contact Kate Buckingham Glenastar, Ardagh on 069- 76148.