by Peg Prendeville

Congratulations and Well Done to the Athea Drama group who entertained everybody last weekend and promises the same this coming Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. If you have not seen “It’s the Real McCoy”  please make sure you go; it is very professional, full of laughs and highly recommended to lift the humour. Doors open at half seven. If you arrive at quarter to eight you may not get in! Don’t say I did not tell you. It is great to see that local drama is alive and thriving.

Congratulations to Ballyhahill and Loughill National Schools on being placed in the Credit Union Quiz.  Ballyhahill came 2nd and Loughill came 3rd in the U’13’s.  Loughill took 1st place in the U’11’s and now go forward to the next stage of the U’11’s in Limerick at the end of February.

The local ICA guild will meet in the Hall, Ballyhahill on this Wednesday night February 11 at 8.10 pm.

Wednesday is the 23rd World Day of the Sick which is an initiative started by Pope John Paul II in 1992. It is a time to pause and pray for those who are sick and with all who care for the sick. At the moment there are a lot of stomach bugs and chest infections and general colds doing the rounds so we wish healing on them all.

Last Sunday, February 6th, was Synod Sunday in all parishes of the diocese. In Loughill/Ballyhahill Fr McNamara and the parish delegates, Jean and Peg, spoke at the Masses informing us that parish meetings will be taking place in the coming months to find out the people’s wishes for how the Church can be renewed and how our diocese will go forward in the future. They pointed out that it was not the delegates’ wishes that will be taken into account but the voices of all parishioners. Special prayers and reflections were said throughout the Mass.

The “Do this in Memory” Mass will be held next Sunday 15th February at 10 a.m. in Ballyhahill for the children who will be receiving their 1stHoly Communion in May.