By Peg Prendeville

Congratulations to Christy McSweeney, Knocknaclugga, who celebrated his 21st birthday last weekend in Knockdown with family and friends.

Sincere sympathies to the Woulfe family, Finnoe, Ballyhahill, on the death of Stephen last week. He is father to Dr Woulfe who is setting up a new practice in Abbeyfeale this week. We wish her the best of luck in her venture.

I wish a speedy recovery to Thomas J O’Donoghue, editor of the Ballyguiltenane Rural Journal who took ill last week, and hope he will be back in action soon again.

The annual Fair Day of Glin takes place on Saturday next 6th of December. Sales of livestock, poultry and market stalls and a special visit from Santa Claus should guarantee an entertaining day for all ages. There will be lots of craft/food stalls in the Ceol Corbrai Hall also.

It is always great to see the work of local artists and to admire their talent. Now, in Gllin library, are some paintings which the local group have done in recent times. These talented people meet in Cloverfield weekly and draw inspiration and support from each other. The paintings will remain on exhibition until Xmas. Some are for sale also. It might be the answer to your Christmas shopping dilemma. The library is open Tuesday and Thursday from 11 to 2 and 6 to 8. It is open Wednesday and Friday from 11 to 2 and 3 to 5. There is a welcome for all, especially those who may never have visited yet. Everybody loves the peace and quiet to be found therein.

Best of luck to the Glin Junior A football who now play Brosna in the Munster Final next Sunday, the 7th December in Mallow. 

The children of the Parish who are receiving their First Holy Communion next May will participate in next Sunday’s Mass at 10 a.m. in Ballyhahill as part of the Do this in Memory programme.

The official launch of the Diocesan Synod takes place on Sunday December 7th at the 12 noon Mass in St. John’s Cathedral celebrated by Bishop Brendan Leahy. This is a significant diocesan event. All the delegates have been invited to the Mass but Bishop Brendan would also like it to be known that anyone from the diocese who would like to come is most welcome. Bishop Brendan asks for prayers as we launch the Synod.

We are into Advent which is, apart from the excitement and preparation for Christmas, a time to let go, a time to begin. I include the following which I got from the Diocesan website. It reminds us to find time to reflect amidst the panic!

A Prayer for the Beginning of Advent

 God our caring Father,
you who gave your beloved Son
to ransom all people,
see our human fears
and love us anyway. 

Guide us through this season
with quiet, glad anticipation.
Help us to pay attention
to the poor and needy,
and to the lonely among us.

 Give us a spirit of reflection,
patience with each other,
and hearts brimming with thanks.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
