Colm Leahy, winner of the Long tail competition, with Ned Mahony
& Jerry Brouder at the Top of the Town on Saturday night last
Athea Fair
The annual Athea Fair takes place this Saturday, November 8th with all the usual stalls, horses, ponies, etc. A very enjoyable day in store for all ages and hopefully a good crowd will turn out. Best of luck to the organisers and we hope the weather will be good on the day.
Athea Graveyards Collection
The annual Church gate collection, for maintenance of Holy Cross and Templeathea graveyards, took place last weekend. A sincere thank you to all who contributed so generously and also to the collectors. The sum of €2,574 was raised.
Afternoon Tea Dance
A fundraising Tea dance in aid of St. Ita’s Day Care Centre takes place at Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse, Abbeyfeale on Sunday, November 9. Dancing 3-6pm to Stevie Donegan. Teas served. Raffle. Admission €5.
Athea Tidy Towns
Congratulations to Athea Tidy Towns on becoming the overall ‘Limerick in Bloom’ winners for the second year in a row. This is a wonderful achievement for a small village like ours and the hard work, time and effort that the group have put in to make this possible is very much appreciated.
It must be remembered that this group do all this work on a voluntary basis and great credit is due to them. Well done to all.