By Kathleen Mullane
‘Bits & Bobs’
Many people seem, for one reason or another, not to like the month of November – maybe it’s the long nights and the early darkness (especially for those living alone), maybe it’s a month when we remember all those close to us who have died, maybe it’s the change in the weather, which gets wetter and colder – whatever the reason we shouldn’t dwell too much on the negative side but look forward in anticipation to what’s on the horizon – Christmas, a New Year, brighter evenings and hopefully another great year of summer sunshine. November could be a month when we do a bit of visiting to those we haven’t seen in a while, especially those who may be in nursing homes etc. They say knitting is really on a ‘comeback’ and a brilliant form of relaxation, as well as being good for your mind! I suppose the main thing is to keep ourselves busy at this time of year, start the pre-Christmas cleaning, do a wardrobe clean-out, give your unwanted clothes and bits to the charity shop and before long November will be ‘a thing of the past’ yet again.
Well, a great crowd turned out for the “Fair of Athea” on Saturday last and with the exception of a few showers it was quite a pleasant day. The stalls had taken up their positions from early in the morning as did the chip wagons. There was an abundance of hens, ducks, geese and even pigeons, along with some rabbits, goats and the usual cattle, ponies, donkeys etc. There was a “great buzz” around the street, everyone chatting, browsing and in general enjoying the atmosphere. It’s great for business also in the village, well done to all involved.
Well, tables are going fast for the forthcoming Christmas Fair – Sale of Work which takes place in the hall on Sunday, November 23rd. You can book a table for just €10 and sell whatever you wish, from jewellery, books, jams, cakes, unwanted gifts, flowers, Christmas gifts and so much more. You can book a table by phoning Caroline on 087-6643307. Santa is going to be there for the kids and at just €2 a photo or €4 for a family, what better value could you get. Please come along and support “your” hall and you’ll be surprised what you can pick up for Christmas at bargain prices. There will be refreshments on the day also – indeed a great family day.