By Kathleen Mullane
‘Fair of Athea’
Well, this Saturday, November 8th, sees the annual ‘Fair of Athea’ taking place. Already food wagons are taking up their parking spots around the street. It’s always a ‘fun day’ with selling and buying and haggling going on . No doubt there will be an abundance of stalls, knick-knacks, both large and small animals and much more. So put on those wellies, rain-coats and hats and get out and about and enjoy the day – rain or no rain.
A reminder that this Thursday November 6th sees a great Rambling House taking part at the Community Centre in Knockanure from 9pm onwards. Admission is free and there will be refreshments on the night. All welcome.
On Sunday, November 23rd there is going to be a great Sale of Work and Christmas Fair at our hall here in Athea from 12pm-5pm. Santa is going to be there and you can have your photo taken with him for just €2 each or €4 for a family. You can also book a table for just €10 and sell whatever produce, articles, home-baking, jams/chutneys, jewellery, unwanted gifts, knitted/crochet items, crafts etc. All the business people, nurseries, clubs, or indeed anyone with anything to sell is very welcome to take a table even the transition year students at our surrounding schools who may wish to sell their items that they have made. To book a table ring Caroline on 087-6443307 as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
Congrats to Mark Linehan (son of Catherine and Tim, Dirreen) who completed the Dublin City Marathon last week. Mark is a member of West Limerick AC.
Sympathy is extended to Pat Buckley of Lower Athea on the recent death of his mother Marie over the weekend. Marie was laid to rest on Saturday last in Knockanure cemetery. A large crowd attended the funeral on both days. May the light of heaven be hers.
The death also took place last week of Jack Duggan of Keale, Athea. Many paid their last respects at Kelly’s Funeral Parlour last week. Sympathy to his relatives and friends. May he rest in peace.
Well done to the Athea Tidy Towns group who, for the 2nd year in a row, have become the overall winners of the ‘Limerick in Bloom’ competition and very deservingly so – considering the time and effort they have put into it. Everyone who passed through our village commented on how beautiful it was kept with the flowers in full bloom.