By Pat Brosnan
Wellness Workshop
SOS (Suicide or Survival) in partnership with Limerick Federation ICA is hosting a Wellness workshop on Monday October 13th in the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West from 9.30 to 4.30. These workshops aim to help you understand, take charge of and responsibility for and be responsible for your own mental health. The workshop can be of benefit to anyone who is interested in mental health and wellness. Workshops are informal and relaxed. They are facilitated by people with both lived life experience of mental health difficulties and people with experience of working in the mental health area.
They combine personal testimony with practical tools and tips that can be used in everyday life to improve your own wellness. Areas like relaxation and stress management, the relationship between thoughts and emotions and how to develop a wellness toolkit and daily wellness plan are some of the topics covered on the workshop. The workshop is free and open to all adults. Light refreshments will be served. Early booking is advisable. To reserve a place, contact Lisa or Jacqui at Lo Call 1890 577 577.
Student Enterprise
Limerick students are invited to take part in this year’s Student Enterprise Awards, run by Limerick Local enterprise Office in conjunction with 30 other local offices around Ireland. Last year the awards attracted more than 17,000 teenage entrepreneurs who set up and ran their own student enterprises with support from the local Enterprise Office. Launching the 2014/2015 student enterprise awards programmes An Taoiseach Mr. Kenny, said “this is all about encouraging our youth, the next generation of entrepreneurs and job creators as we continue to secure recovery in the country”. Further details around the Student Enterprise programme are available at
Gala West Limerick Fashion Show
The Gala West Limerick Fashion Show, in aid of the invalid section of Limerick Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, will be held in the Devon Inn Hotel, Templeglantine on Wednesday October 15. Cheese and wine reception and show starts at 8pm with lots of valuable spot prizes. Tickets €10 available from the committee or at the door. Please support.
Fieldtrip to Seedsavers
West Limerick Resources is running a one day field trip to Seedsavers in Scariff, Co. Clare on Saturday October 11 for members of West Limerick Tidy Towns groups and those involved in other environmental projects such as community gardens. Training will cover a variety of topics from growing seed to seed collection. Bus from Newcastle West at 10am and returning at 5.30pm. Limited places available. Contact Suzanne on 069 79114.
Teagasc Options Workshops to Provide Farm Families with New Thinking
Teagasc are organizing a series of “options” workshops for farm families at 12 locations throughout the country this Autumn. The workshops will be held locally at Cork Marts, Fermoy commencing on Wednesday 29th October and Teagasc Office, Newcastle West commencing on Thursday 30th October. Each workshop will consist of 5 sessions run over 5 consecutive weeks and will include visits to local farms and entrepreneurs who have succeeded in diversifying their farming activities. Topics covered at the workshops will include assessing your enterprise, developing your idea, family farm finances, farm succession planning, food enterprise possibilities, rural, tourism, energy, crops and forestry, organic opportunities, alternative land use options, a business plan, the basics applying for a grant and more. All farmers and farm family members are welcome to attend. Workshops are free of charge but prior booking is essential. There will be a small fee for a bus to take the farms walks. For booking and further details go to or contact any local Teagasc Office.
Afternoon Tea Dance
TLC4CF was founded by friends and family of people with Cystic Fibrosis in the Limerick, Tipperary and Clare regions. There will be an afternoon tea dance on Sunday, October 12th in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse, Abbeyfeale with all proceeds raised going to the group to help fit out the new Cystic Fibrosis Unit in University Hospital, Limerick which is due to open next year. Dancing to Kevin Flynn and Country Roads from 3pm to 6pm. Admission €5. Teas served and raffle as well.
Sound Bytes
Came across these Sound Bytes reading the “Pioneer Magazine” during the week.
“Few people know how to take a walk. The qualifications are endurance, plain clothes, old shoes, an eye for nature, good humour, vast curiosity, good speech, good silence and nothing too mad”. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder”. (C.K. Chesterson)