Photo taken in the early 90’s on a Community Council C.E. Scheme
Tim Joe Riordan, Domhnall de Barra (supervisor) Jim Sheehy, Billy McKenna & Paddy Hanlon
Athea Drama Group AGM
Athea Drama Group Annual General Meeting will take place in the Library in Athea on this Wednesday, September 10th at 8.30pm. All members are asked to attend and new members are most welcome.
Athea Parent & Toddler Group
Every Friday in the Community Hall, Athea from 12.30 to 2pm. A great way of meeting other mums with children your child’s age. Tea, coffee, sandwiches & refreshments. €3 per family. For more information call Rachael on 089-4152154 or visit us on facebook.
Coffee Morning
The annual Coffee Morning in aid of Milford Hospice will take place in the Community Hall on Thursday, September 18th from 9am. Please support.
Web Design Course
West Limerick Resources is offering a four night web design course this September to community groups based in the West Limerick area. The course will take place on Wednesdays Sept 17, Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15 7.30-9.30pm in Newcastle West and is free of charge. Participants do not require any specific programming knowledge just a sound working knowledge of the internet, email and Word.