By Peg Prendeville
The Killeaney Club is organising a Family/Fun Day in Knockdown on Sunday 22nd June. There will be lots of sporting and novelty events. All are welcome.
A lot of house break-ins has been reported recently in the West Limerick area which is a reminder to all of us to be more vigilant and to be on the lookout for suspicious activity. It is a pity that our lives have to be burdened with these unpleasant tasks but it seems that that is the way life is going, unfortunately.
On last Friday, 6th June, the 1st Annual meeting of Limerick City and County Council took place. Since June 1st there is now only one council between city and county. Councillor Kevin Sheahan FF is the new and first Chairman of the combined city and county council and local man John Sheahan’s term as Cathaoirleach of the county has come to an end. Recently, I congratulated John on his election to the council and forgot to include Ciara McMahon who was elected as a Sinn Féin candidate so I offer belated congratulations to Ciara now.
I am delighted to hear that the launch of the Fairy Woods in Athea was a success. I visited it on Monday but had to run from the heavy showers. There are lots of lovely photographs of the launch on the Athea Tidy Towns Facebook page. Well done again to the hard-working committee who does not seem to rest at all. When one project finishes another starts.
It was in Athea that I saw a poster which must be a delight to all. I see that Rachel Grainger is now selling Midge protection jackets, they are perfect to stop getting bitten or irritated by midges whilst in ‘The Bog’, gardening, walking or any outdoor activity. They are also available through Paddy Griffin or Rose’s Shop and available in Adult sizes M,L AND XL for €25 and one size for children €20 (will fit approx 2-9years). I am delighted to be able to spread the word as they are the bane of many people’s lives in this part of the country. Ta Mullane, with his machine, is doing his best to keep them from the area around the pub but it is almost impossible to get rid of them. I am sure they were created for a reason anyhow but not sure what the reason is! So now we can protect ourselves from them with the jackets. It is definitely worth a try. Rachel’s mobile no. is 089 4152154.
Ballroom dancing, for those enthusiasts, continues every Monday night in Ballyhahill Parish Hall from 9 to 11 pm.