April is Poetry Month in Limerick

Poetry in Limerick is set to get a higher profile this month as “The Limerick Writer’s” Centre and Quay Books is in Arthur’s Quay Shopping Centre inaugurate April as poetry month in the city. It’s also the month in which Eigse Michael Hartnett runs in Newcastle West, this year April 10th – 12th. A host of activities will take place culminating with a special celebration of World Book Day on Wednesday April 23rd in Arthur’s Quay Shopping Centre where Pat McMahon of Quay Books will distribute roses with every book bought on the day.

A special reading will take place that night in the Centre with local poets reading and reciting works. A list of activities that people can engage in to celebrate “April is Poetry Month” will be posted up on the Face book pages of Quay Books and the Limerick Writers Centre each day for the month of April. Mr McMahon stressed that all the activities such as Poem in your Pocket, Memorise a Poem, Revisit a Poem, Bring a Poem to your place of work and Attend a Poetry Reading are all simple and easy to engage with, but the combined effect of many people taking part in these activities will enhance the lives of so many.

“Poetry is like thread”, wrote Chilean Poet Pablo Neruda. It should be shared by all, by scholars and by peasants, by all our vast incredible, extraordinary family of humanity.

Traditional Time at U.C.H.

Lovers of traditional music are in for a double treat at U.C.H. this month, with two magnificent concerts over the coming weeks. The TG4 Traditional Music Awards will be filmed at U.C.H. on Saturday April 12th, featuring a star studded line up of guests and recipients from around the country, including Limerick born Mick Moloney.

On Thursday April 24th the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance marks its 20th Anniversary with “Splanc” a concert of Irish traditional music, song and dance. There will be more than 100 performers from 5 continents in Limerick to celebrate the sounds and gestures of our times.

Rambling House

In the last few week’s yet another Rambling House opened its doors at Jim Lyons’ (Old Homestead in Knockalougha, Duagh). Nowadays, Jim and his wife Margaret and family farm in Ballingarry. Jim, who travels far and wide to Rambling Houses, decided a couple of years ago to refurbish his former home and to turn it into a Rambling House. He set to work and engaged the best of tradesmen, craftsmen and women to help him with his project, also with funding from the Leader, North and East Kerry Development. The finished project was there for all to see by some 200 odd Ramblers who came from the locality and various parts of Kerry, Cork and Limerick. The night began with Mass concelebrated by Fr. Pat Moore, Fr. Tom McMahon and Fr. Fitzgerald. The official opening was performed by Minister Jimmy Denihan TD who went on to relate how important the role a venture like this is to a community. Afterwards a great night’s entertainment which was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all leaving Jim and Margaret Lyons to retire in their old home, their first night since 1982. Many years of happiness to Jim, Margaret and family and hope many a special night will be held in the Rambling House, Knockalougha.

Happy Hearts

The Irish Heart Foundation is inviting volunteers from Limerick to join in a special 25 year Happy Heart Appeal Anniversary Celebration at U.L. on Tuesday April 15th next to mark the occasion., RTE Radio presenter and Limerick native Will Leahy will launch the celebration at 6.30pm in honour of the volunteering spirit of the people of Limerick. Since the Happy Hearts Appeal began in 1990, Limerick volunteers have raised considerable funds to prevent the development of heart disease and strokes.

Recent Death

Sympathy is extended to Gerty Mulcaire (nee Danaher) whose husband Dan died recently. Also, to his family John, Gránne, Fiona and Dan, relatives and friends. May his soul rest in peace.

Marriage Guidance

Accord is recruiting for Accredited Counsellors and Marriage Education Facilitators. Please contact them in Tralee 066 7122280 for further details.