What glorious weather we had for the Easter days. It reminded me of younger days when we were convinced that the sun danced in the sky on Easter Sunday morning. It makes such a difference to wake up to the sun streaming in the window. Having had the pleasure of seeing all my grandchildren playing outdoors on a warm Easter Sunday was a sure sign of a resurrection for me! The turf machines are busy these days too which is a sign of the year moving on into summer.
Sounds of Summer
Rocking in my garden seat
Creaking gently to and fro
Watching life continuing on
Like a stream in constant flow.
Listening to the chirping birds
Busy at their daily tasks
The leaves are whispering in the breeze
A honeybee goes buzzing past.
A tractor drones in a neighbour’s field
Boasting of a busy day
Taking advantage of the sun
Cutting silage, turning hay.
A cow concerned for her calf
Calls him back with a gentle moo
The clothes are flapping on the line
Peaceful times like this are few.
Children play out on the lawn
Sending out their squeals of joy
Laughing, singing, cheering on
Their playmates in a rugby try.
I close my eyes to appreciate
The restful sounds that I can hear
It’s easy to believe in God
When His presence is so near!