“Happy New Year”

“Back with a bang” yet again, another Christmas over and done with and here we are in 2014 – incidentally Happy New Year to one and all and hopefully Christmas went by without much fuss for all of you!

I think we all have got more sensible in recent years and there’s not as much rushing around frantically, buying groceries like there was no tomorrow. It seems families are more inclined to spend time together in their homes or visiting relations and that’s great to see. More people seem to be waiting for the sales now – wisely indeed.

It was a happy occasion for Lisa O’Connor (daughter of Teresa & Tom O’Connor) on New Year’s Eve when she became engaged to Shane O’Sullivan (son of Margaret & Johnny O’Sullivan) of Knocknagorna. Congrats and best wishes to them both.

Congrats also to David Brosnan of Upper Athea (son of Eileen & Micheál) who celebrated his 30th birthday along with friends etc last week, everyone enjoyed a great night.

I’d better send good wishes to my own daughter Emma who was married on Friday last here in Athea by Fr. Bowen, to Dave Mulvihill of Barragougeen, Moyvane. We all had a very enjoyable day at The Malton Hotel in Killarney. Every happiness to them both for their future together.

The month’s mind Mass for Johnny Collins will be celebrated on Sunday next January 12th at 11am here in Athea Church.

We’re very lucky here in this part of the country, considering the awful floods and storm damage some parts of the country are experiencing, not to mention the harsh weather conditions – snow and -50° they are having in some parts of the USA – consider ourselves very lucky indeed!. Even the wren boys this St. Stephen’s Day were few and far between and the couple of batches that did venture out came out very early to avoid the desperate storm that came that evening and night, but thankfully no damage was done.

Well, whatever New Year’s resolutions you have made whether it be giving up the usual drink and fags, going for walks to get rid of the Christmas excess eating, not wasting food, getting rid of clutter, giving those clothes you will never wear to a Charity shop, sticking to your shopping list when you go for groceries or whatever resolutions – hopefully you will be able to stick to them.