by Kathleen Mullane


‘Happy Christmas’


It’s so strange to be writing about Christmas and I don’t think it’s just me – nobody can believe it’s that time of year again! Last Christmas seemed to be such a short time ago. It must be the very good weather we’ve had over the last number of weeks – that the festive season has crept up on us so suddenly. Anyway to all the readers of the Athea Newsletter – I extend sincere good wishes and all the very best of health and happiness in the New Year ahead. Incidentally, congrats to Lillian and Donal on yet another great parish journal – really colourful and with loads to read, indeed a lovely present to send overseas to our exiles.

Well done to Jim Herbert of Coole whose son T.J. played for him on Winning Streak on Saturday night last and did very well – a new kitchen no doubt “is on the cards” for MaryAnne now.

Thanks is extended by Teresa Flavin (area co-ordinator) to all those who gave in shoeboxes recently, a total of 3,286 boxes were taken to orphanages in Moldova – Well done to Athea N.S. also.

Congrats to Elaine Tierney (Collins), Knocknagorna who recently celebrated her 30th birthday along with her family and friends. Apologies to Katie Scanlon of Upper Athea, I was led to believe it was her 30th, now I have been informed it was her 21st – but I know they are having me on – Happy Birthday anyway Katie – you’re as young as you feel.

The Credit Union AGM is on this Friday night at 7pm in the office. All members are welcome to attend.

It’s lovely to see the Cross up at the Holy Cross Cemetery re-lit again and this is thanks to Athea Credit Union who sponsored it being fixed, it’s a real focal point in front of the cemetery.

The AGM of our Community Hall takes place this Wednesday Dec 18th at 7pm in the hall kitchen. It would be great if more people would come on board and share their ideas and views etc, after all, the hall is yours – “The people of Athea” and a great asset to our parish.

Well done to all those who helped out in any way with the Going Strong Christmas party last week – all voluntary, those who gave spot-prizes, did baking and so much more. Bridie O’Shea retired having been 15 years treasurer of the Going Strong and Mary Kelly presented her with a gift for her many years of great work.

Christmas can be a lonely and difficult time for some, so we remember the following lines

“There’s always a light in the church, no matter how much you’ve been hurt

What’s promised will be, look up and you’ll see, there’s always a light in the church”