Carol Noonan , Clounleharde  at her graduation

Carol Noonan , Clounleharde
at her graduation

Ciarán Griffin and T.J. Reidy accepting their prize from James Scanlon on the final outing of the year for Athea Golf Society (missing from photo: Paul Stack)

Ciarán Griffin and T.J. Reidy accepting their prize from James Scanlon on the final outing of the year for Athea Golf Society (missing from photo: Paul Stack)

Journal Time!

Can’t believe it but it is that time of year again when we look for articles, photos etc. for Athea Parish Journal.

As usual we will look after your photos and return them to you after publication. We need to have all material in by Thursday, October 31st  to ensure we are out in good time before Christmas so we appeal to all clubs, organisations and individuals to please get working on your contributions straight away. We would love to get material from overseas also. All articles, photos can be emailed to [email protected]

The Fair of Athea

This year the Fair takes place on Saturday, November 2nd. There will be all the usual fun of the fair with stalls, horses, donkeys, cattle, fowl etc. Hopefully the weather will be good which should lead to a big crowd attending. So spread the word Athea is the place to be on November 2nd.