by Peg Prendeville

Welcome home to my neighbour Peg O’Grady who has recovered from her broken ankle incident and is back in her own chair again.

I extend sympathy to the Mullane family Templeathea and the Shanahan family of Glenbawn on the death of May Mullane, nee Shanahan, this week. May she rest in peace. May is the 4th past pupil from Clounleharde School to die since the reunion of the school took place last June.

At this time of year Joe Harrington, together with Kay O’Leary, take The Irish Rambling House Tour to the UK. They had their 1st concert in Listowel last week to give a taste of what will be on offer at the English venues. If any of you have friends or family in Birmingham or London they will be able to see them on Wednesday Oct 16 at St. Patrick’s Club Leamington Spa; on Thursday Oct 17 Birmingham Irish Centre Digbeth is the place to be. On Friday Oct 18 the Camden Irish Centre will host them and on Saturday Oct 19 they will finish at Harrow Salvatorian College, High Road, Harrow Weald. Best of luck to the whole crew. These concerts always go down well with the Irish in Britain.

This beautiful weather gave me a chance to visit the Bromore Cliffs near Ballybunion last weekend. This is a nice easy walk along the cliffs, with informative markers along the way pointing out bits of history and folklore. The land, owned by Michael and Eilish Flahive, is situated a mile north of Ballybunion on the coast road towards Beale and is open daily from 10am to 6pm. It shows the beauty of our Irish coastline. All these attractions are so near to us and do not cost a lot, just €5 to park the car.

The Glin Coursing Club held the annual coursing event in Killeaney for the last time last weekend. Next year it is hoped to hold it in the new coursing field which is being prepared in Ballinagoul, Glin.

Wishing Bridie Lynch a belated Happy Birthday. She celebrated it with friends and family in the Railway Bar Abbeyfeale last Friday night. I am not forgetting her son Tom  whose birthday was recently also.

It must be time to be submitting articles and photos to the Ballyguiltenane and Athea Christmas journals. How quickly they year flies