Congrats and good wishes go to Siobhán Quinn of Upper Athea who enjoyed a great 30th Birthday over the weekend at her parents Patricia and Pa’s house with a barbeque and marquee to add to the enjoyment. Everyone had a good night.
Don’t forget the great Vintage Day on Sunday next in Knockdown – there’s going to be loads going on for the men, with machinery of all types – games and much more for the kids, a Bonny Baby and a Glamorous Granny competition…So everyone is catered for and hopefully it will be a nice dry day for the event.
The Coffee Morning in aid of Milford Hospice will be held in the hall on this Thursday morning from early until the afternoon. You are invited to come along “have a cuppa”, and of course cake and buns etc and give whatever donation you can, big or small. All in aid of Milford Hospice, indeed a most worthy cause.
The blood transfusion services are urgently asking people to give blood. It’s a very easy process and you can go to any of the centres where they will take care of you. Members of football and all other sporting teams are especially asked to think about giving blood. We never know the time when we ourselves or our families may need a unit or two of blood. You can also check out their website on
Well it’s that time of the year again – Listowel Races are in full swing at the moment with many making it their annual few day’s holidays. Though it’s not as busy as in days gone by, it’s still a huge attraction for families and it’s a sort of end of the year get-together for everyone and the farming community especially, having their harvest completed! Well Done to Denny Scanlon of Dirreen whose horse came in 3rd place in one of the races on Sunday and of course young Chris Hayes from Ballyhahill who is really making a name for himself as a brilliant jockey, having a lot of wins in Listowel.
To the best of my knowledge I’ve heard all the tickets for the forthcoming Fashion Show in aid of the Tidy Towns are sold out. If this is true isn’t it a brilliant indication of how all of Athea really appreciate the work that has been done by the Tidy Towns – Well Done.