A meeting of the Clounleharde School Reunion will take place this Wednesday night at 9.15 pm in the Killeaney Clubhouse. The committee continues to work away in the background trying to get all things in order for June 29thwhen it is expected that over 160 people will gather to remember times gone by in Clounleharde School. If anybody knows how to ward off the midges for that evening let us know. They are a plague around Knockdown – when it’s not raining. We are bound to get caught with one or the other!

Killeaney Lotto stands at €8900. Numbers drawn last Sunday night were  7 -15 – 25  – 26. House Draw – Michael Ahern. John O’Connor won €80. Caroline Ahern 30. Mary Regan €20. Helen and Dan Looney €20, Sharon McElligott €20, Five free tickets went to both James Enright and Margaret Lacey. Promoter’s prize went to Wallace’s Bar.  Next week’s draw will be held in the Anchor Bar, Tarbert. Killeaney club wishes to thank all who support the weekly lotto which is vital to the running of the club. The Clounleharde committee is very appreciative of the clubhouse for the meetings and wish to thank Killeaney for being so obliging.

Pope Francis is now over two months in his role as head of the church. I read recently where, in one appearance alone, he made seven different changes to the previous Popes. To me, this is a sign of hope for a better and more sincere Catholic church. The changes are : 1. Changed the golden throne to a wooden chair… Something more appropriate for the disciple of a carpenter. 2. Did not use the gold-embroidered red stole, Heir of the Roman Empire, nor the red chasuble. 3. Uses his old black shoes, not the classic red. 4. Uses a metal cross, not one of rubies and diamonds. 5. His papal ring is silver, not gold. 6. Uses the same black pants under the cassock, to remember that he is another priest. 7. Removed the red carpet from beneath his wooden chair.

Two Masses are being offered in Loughill/Ballyhahill this week for fine weather. Tuesday night in Loughill and Thursday night in Ballyhahill at half past seven. Many farmers are in dire straits and need help from some quarters so why not ask for divine intervention?