Sincere sympathy is extended to the Reidy family on the death of Mick Reidy last week. “Reidy’s Shop” was a focal point for many in days gone by when ice-cream and sweets etc were a luxury to say the least! It was a stopping place as youngsters cycled on their bikes enjoying the freedom and the countryside and looked forward to spending their few pence en route. Many came to pay their last respects at the family home on Tuesday night last. Burial followed Requiem Mass to Holy Cross on Wednesday. ‘May the light of Heaven be his’.

Congratulations to Marie and Vinnie Wrenn, proud grandparents of new baby Caoimhe born to their son Michael and his wife Noreen in Carlow. A little sister for Ciarán.

Well the ‘old time’ is with us yet again and the onset of Winter with the longer, darker evenings which are despised by many, especially the elderly and those living on their own. So it’s a good time to make sure that these people are visited and made feel safe in these troubled times. Despite our wet, damp weather we are very lucky not to have weather extremes like they have in America at the minute with the onset of hurricane ‘Sandy’, with all the schools closed and public transport at a standstill.

It’s that time of year again when one is thinking of putting their shoe-boxes together for those less well off children in foreign lands – and God knows they really appreciate the gifts sent by the Irish families, with loads of happy faces on opening them.

It’s the time of year also when we remember the Holy Souls, and it’s a lovely idea to have the remembrance tree in the Church Sanctuary with all the names of family and relatives written on the little tags provided.

It’s also the time of year when people start tidying out wardrobes and drawers etc and preparing a bit for the onset of Christmas. And indeed if you have any clothes you no longer want or books, ornaments or whatever the Charity shops are crying out for them. And now with 2 or 3 shops in Listowel and Newcastle West and Sue Ryder’s Charity shop in Abbeyfeale there is no excuse and no doubt if you go in, you’re bound to buy some little thing thereby helping out. Incidentally the Vincent de Paul collection is on December 7th & 8th and this organisation really needs everyone’s help, this year more than ever.

‘Father and Son’ – Finucane Films (087-6955721)

A documentary about the life and times of Mick and Paddy Finucane T.D. The young and old in the 1960’s from Urlee, Lisselton and Ballydonoghue. A look back to 1951 to the Brick & Cashen drainage scheme also the Gale river. Footage screening at St. John’s, Listowel on Friday, 9th November at 8pm for one night only. Admission €5, copies of film on DVD (2 hours long)  €10 on the night.