It has been a tense week for lots of parents and students who were waiting for Leaving Cert results, then another few days of waiting for College places and finally sorting out accommodation. Thankfully all is done now and all are happy with the final results. A new experience of trying to be adult and dealing with college life begins. Well done to all.
Sunday last was a special day in the life of Liza Mulvhill, Glin and presently in St Ita’s Newcastle West. I called to wish her a Happy 97th birthday but Liza was out celebrating all day. I believe Fr Crawford wished her a Happy Birthday at the morning Mass in Glin which Liza attended before she continued the day meeting friends and relations and wining and dining! Well done, Liza. I hope you enjoyed the day.
It is Rose of Tralee week. The festival has been going for 53 years and continues to attract lots of tourists and provide compulsive viewing on TV. I hear that their project for next year and “The Gathering” is to try and bring all the winning Roses over the past years together. Good idea.
Soccer season is starting in Knockdown. Talking about “The Gathering” I have my own idea that all the past players of Killeaney AFC who have emigrated – and there are many – should come home next year for a re-union game on their home ground. Spread the word!