by Peg Prendeville

Cousins Maddie, Clodagh and Dottie in Glin Library

Each week when I sit down to write the Knockdown News column I wonder if anybody reads it and so I was delighted during the past week to be approached by a young gentleman who now lives in Brisbane and is home on holidays and who confessed to me that his weekly indulgence is reading the Knockdown News online every week. Hurrah! That makes it all worth while. It was great to meet David Higgins, Glasha, who told me that he and his wife Michelle are enjoying being at home visiting all the relations from Kildare to Cork to Limerick. They even took in a wedding in Waleson the way home from Brisbane. Though he might prefer to have work in Ireland David admits that life is good out inAustralia and the only thing he misses, apart from family I am sure, are the long evenings in Ireland. The sun goes down early on the Australian continent. But I am glad he does not have to miss the Knockdown News as he can get it online thanks to modern technology.

Another lovely incident this past week was seeing Mary Fealy and her niece Susan Tarpy and Susan’s two children Maddie and Dottie arriving in to Glin library for the children’s story hour on last Friday morning. Mary and Susan were holidaying in Knockdown for a few days. Mary, daughter of Mick Fealy and Peg Langan, and her sisters were always regular visitors to the area while growing up in Birmingham; they never missed a summer in Ireland and still love to come and meet with the relations. Susan’s daughters met their 3rd cousin Clodagh Prendeville in the library. (Photo attached) Glin Library has a Story hour on Fridays from 11 to 12 for children of all ages. There is also a lovely exhibition of knitting, especially patchwork quilts, all handknit by the Cloverfield Knitting group on display for the coming weeks. Items are for sale at giveaway prices if people are interested. 

The Killeaney Soccer AFC has erected new lights on the pitch this past week.

It was nice to meet John who is the new owner of Dan Faley’s house in Turraree and who is looking forward to living there soon with his partner Mary.

It was great to hear that John and Josie Reidy Ballyhahill are grandparents again.  Their daughter Patricia and her husband George had a new baby girl Caoimhe in Dublin recently and we wish them lots of happiness.

Meanwhile the rain keeps falling !!!!!!!!!!