by Kathleen Mullane


‘Out & About’ 

Thankfully we have something to brighten up our days with this deadly weather we’re experiencing. What a difference a couple of weeks makes in and around our lovely little village. Our Tidy Towns committee are doing tremendous work and we should all be there to lend a helping hand – whether it be “pulling a weed”, “picking up a can or bottle or papers” or whatever in and around our own locality if we can’t get to help on Tuesday nights. Householders have taken on board the painting and washing of their premises, in all, everywhere looks brilliant and of course the flowers at the Church and again at the hall on the high-pole containers really add an extra colourful touch.

The very best of luck when judging comes around to all who helped out.

Incidentally, last week I saw a helper who is facing his 80’s with a shovel spreading the gravel in front of the hall – I’m sure some of our younger people could take “a leaf out of his book” !

Do you know what – I was just thinking we here in Athea have a lot of “great people” in our midst. From all of you who helped to get the debt down on our hall and brought in and collected your scrap, to those of you who have now brought our village to look so well, to Denny Mulvihill who as I write is out in all kinds of weather cycling from the bottom to the top of Ireland trying to help send little Glen Wilkie from Foynes to Boston for an operation to help him walk. Now you have Mike Hayes of Fairy St., joining forces with Tommy Moran and taking on the “Tomathon” walk from Limerick to Dublin, a total of 250k in aid of Pieta House, who are a non-profit organisation, providing a specialised treatment programme to prevent suicide and self harm and in these days with suicide being so prevalent this indeed will

be a very worthwhile journey. Already many locals have expressed their interest in joining Mike en route and walking a few miles with him, all for a great cause. I could go on and name a few more ‘great people’ but then I may let someone out so I’ll leave it at that.

Can you believe they are advertising ‘Back to School’ uniforms and supplies already and the kids not having their holidays that long ago – nest we will have ‘Christmas toys’ and the number of ‘shopping days to Christmas’!

Thought for the week:

“When things are at their worst – they will eventually mend”