Paul Collins enjoying St Patrick’s Weekend with Edel Langan, Ashling & Sarah Conway

A happy group at the recent sports day

Best of Luck 

To Athea United Junior A’s who play Carrig Celtic in the Division 1 League Cup Final in Knockdown tomorrow Thursday May 31st. Kick off is at 7.30pm.


            Examination Mass

A special  Mass will take place on Tuesday June 5th at Church at 7:30pm for all students sitting their junior and leaving certificates. All welcome


Athea Tidy Towns


At a recent meeting of Athea Tidy Towns the following officers were elected:
Chairman:    Lal Browne
Vice Chair:   Kathleen Barrett

Secretary:     Damien Ahern
Treasurer:     Henry Moran
The committee are appealing to the people of the village to support their attempts to make Athea a much tidier and nicer place to live in. A programme of activities is being drawn up and there will be more news in the near future.


Pieta House Fundraiser


A huge crowd is expected in Athea this Sunday 3rd June where a charity event is being held at Collins’ Bar.

The event is in aid of Pieta House Limerick, a suicide, self harm and crisis centre.

The evening will see a pig roasted on a spit, as well as a BBQ, this will be followed by a disco in the marquee with DJ Dexter.

There will no charge for the barbeque or the disco but those attending will be asked to donate to this worthy cause.

A raffle will be held on the night with excellent prizes, including a framed photo from Pat Healy of Healy Racing Photography, a pair of tickets to Listowel Races the following day and much more.

So come along on Sunday next, the fun begins at 6pm.


West Limerick Resources Ltd




Those who receive their television signal from an aerial must take action before October 24th 2012 or risk their screen going blank when Ireland makes the switch to digital television.  The Community Outreach Digital Switchover Programme is now operating across the county and aims to ensure that everyone is prepared for the switch and is specifically targeting older people living alone, those with literacy and other learning difficulties and those with few social networks.

The initiative is heavily reliant on the Irish tradition of caring for our neighbours and we are asking communities to look around and help identify those locally who will need a little assistance and make sure that they get it.

For further information contact Clint at West Limerick Resources on 069 66295 or Annette at Ballyhoura Development on 063 91735 or Keith at Paul Partnership in the city on 061 419388.

Sean Fitzgerald with his new barmaids Ashling & Sarah Conway