by Peg Prendeville
Thanks to Domhnall for the lovely and well deserved tribute to Pat Brosnan last week. It is right and proper to recognise and appreciate people’s talents. We look forward to Pat’s writings for a long time yet.
Ballyhahill school is having a fundraising this week and would welcome unwanted clean clothes, paired shoes, bed linens or curtains; these can be dropped off in plastic bags to the school before Friday 8th . All support will be appreciated, I am sure.
The very best of luck to all those students who are sitting the Junior and Leaving Cert exams, which started today Wednesday 6th June. Hopefully the right questions will come up and that all will go well.
Mark your diaries for Sunday 15th July when the Knockdown Vintage Club and the Killeaney AFC will combine to give a fun day out for all the family. Hopefully it will not pelt down rain like it did last year for the same occasion.
Glin Library has some photos on display which were taken in the Industrial School during the last century. All welcome.
Glin Development is busy getting the Wood Walk ready for the summer season. I am looking forward to it. It goes up at the back of St John’s Heritage Centre, up through the woods and down to the coast road through the Knight’s land. Desmond FitzGerald, the late Knight of Glin, had given permission, before he died last year, to use the grounds.