by Peg Prendeville
Our sympathies to Dave Culhane and his family, Glenbawn on the deathof his father Michael Culhane on Monday last. Sincere sympathies alsoto Lillian O’Carroll on the death of her father Mossie Fitzgerald last week.
There are very interesting photographs on display in Glin Library this week and next. They were given to Daisy Kearney by a Jim Kavanagh who spent time in St Joseph’s Industrial School in Glin. All the photographs were taken in the school many years ago. All welcome to call during opening hours; Tues & Thurs 11 to 2 and 6 to 8. Wed 7 Fri 11 to 2 and 3 to 5.
Congratulations to Shauna Long who has completed her year in the
Desmond College in NewcastleWest doing a Fetac Level 5 Art Foundation
course. Her work which included paintings, sculpture, batik and more, together with the work of her classmates was on display at an open night in Desmond college last Wednesday and it is very obvious that we have another talented young lady growing up among us. Shauna hopes to do further study in Limerick College of Art in September. We wish her all the best in the future.
The weather was just perfect for the 1st Holy Communion ceremony in Ballyhahill last weekend. Let us hope that this fine spell continues so that work can get done and we can enjoy the heat for a while. Wouldn’t you know it was coming up to Leaving and Junior Cert exams when the weather starts improving. We all have memories of doing exams while the sun shone outside. No doubt it rained too but thankfully we
forget those days.
Mark your calendars for the 15th July and Knockdown Vintage day. Hopefully the weather will be a bit better than last year.