by Peg Prendeville

Sympathies to Agnes O’Shaughnessy and family Ballyhahill on the death of her husband Joe, aged 80, last week. Sincere sympathies to John Mulvihill, formerly of Scart, and to his family on the sudden death of his wife Elizabeth – aged 52.  Sympathies also to the O’Shaughnessy family from Glin on the death of Dodi O’Shaughnessy aged 94. May they all rest in peace.

Best wishes to daughter Sarah who has headed off to Perth in Australia to spend the summer helping her sister Lisa, who is expecting our grandchild no 4 in July! Communications through the internet has taken some of the worry out of travelling thankfully as, now one can track flights and know the minute a plane lands.

Due to the above departure we were travelling to Dublin early Sunday morning and made a stop at exit 17 off the motorway for a quick cup of tea; there we met several people from Co. Limerick who were heading to the Statio Orbis Mass in Croke Park – the closing ceremony of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress. There was a great air of excitement about the place, which was nice to see. My brother-in-law attended the Mass and told me it took three hours to get home after it and he lives within 20 miles of the place. It is good to see it was a success after all the planning that went into it. Hopefully it will bring badly needed blessings to our country.


However I am aware that there are many more people interested in the soccer than there was in the Congress and though I know that the Irish team is not winning any games it is great to see the excitement and fun that the games have brought to the country. All celebrations are good for the body and soul! But it is heartbreaking to hear that an Irish person is missing out in Poland and I hope that by the times these lines are read on Wednesday that he will be found.

Don’t forget July 15 – Knockdown Vintage and Killeaney Fun Day! It is also St. Swithin’s Day which we hope will be fine or else it is 40 days of rain! So what’s new, I hear you ask.