by Pat Brosnan
Failte Arís Domhnall
It is great to know that Domhnall de Barra is back in the Cairde Duchais Office again after spending a few days in hospital last week and also that he has come back to perform his part in the Athea Drama Group’s production of this year’s play “Lovely Leitrim”. We all wish Domhnall the best of good health in the future.
Late Ellie Kiely
The unexpected death of Ellen (Ellie) Kiely which occurred at her home in Templeathea during the week was widely regretted throughout the locality and other areas of West Limerick and further afield. Ellie (née O’Connor) was a native of Turraree in Glin parish before she married Jim Kiely and came to live in Templeathea. They had one son Pat, who sadly was killed in a car accident back in the ‘90’s and which left his parents and other near relatives devastated with grief and sadness. Ellie was a quiet, gentle, home loving person who together with her late husband Jim were kind, hospitable people who welcomed neighbours and other visitors to their home and treated them with courtesy whenever they called. The Kiely men late Jim and Pat were most obliging people whenever a neighbour needed a helping hand and Ellie was also known for her kindness in calling to visit local people who were sick or after coming home from hospital. The Kiely family were good Christian people, good neighbours and good friends to all who knew them. It is now sad to think that the family are all gone from their traditional home in the valley beside the Owveag. River which separates Templeathea and Knocknagorna. As already stated Ellie was predeceased by her husband Jim and son Pat and also by her sister Kitty and brother Mikey in Turraree who died some years ago. A large number of people called to Kelly’s Funeral Home on Thursday evening to pay their respects before Ellie’s removal to St Bartholomew’s Church where prayers were also recited. There was also a good attendance at the Requiem Mass on Friday and the funeral afterwards to Holy Cross Cemetery. Ellie is survived by her brother-in-law Ned Kiely, sisters-in-law Ita Stack and Peg Ward and their families as well as her other relatives all to whom sympathy is extended. ‘May her soul rest in peace’.
Forthcoming Referendum
While we are all aware that the Government was hoping that a referendum would not be needed in this country to support the European Austerity package which the bureaucrats out there together with the Capitalists and big Financial Institutions are hoping to impose on the unfortunate tax payers and working class people not in this country alone but all over Europe. It is quite understandable why the Fine Gael /Labour Government are reluctant and apprehensive about facing an angry and disillusioned populace who are sick and tired of broken political promises. It is, of course, early days yet in the campaign and, no doubt, all the aspects of this Austerity Pact, Treaty or whatever it is will be well thrashed out and debated within the next couple of months. After that it will be up to the people as to whether they want to be a part of the tired, jaded and outworn policies that have been imposed on us from Europe or whether we want a new beginning in which the sovereignty, independence and general welfare of the people of our country will be asserted and maintained. It is easy to see that the Euro and indeed the entire European structure is staggering to a halt with no solution in sight. It now seems to be that the British Government have already detached their country from this Austerity Pact and here at home Eamon O’Cuiv has seen the folly of supporting this Treaty in the coming Referendum. During the coming weeks and months people will have time to reflect on the way they vote because what they do on this occasion could have an impact not alone on our present situation but more importantly for future generations to come.
A Story and Song
On last Saturday’s programme on West Limerick Radio presented by Pat O’Donovan “A Story and a Song” the songs of the late Bridie Gallagher were featured in a great hour’s entertainment from the recorded songs. These included such great old favourites as “Killarney and You”, “Noreen Bawn”, “The Boys from the County Armagh”, “Teddy O’Neill”, “The Whistling Gypsy”, “Two Little Orphans”, “Goodbye Johnny Dear”, “Lovely Derry on the Banks of the Foyle”, “The Homes of Donegal”, “The Pride of Petrance”, “ A Mother’s Love is a Blessing”, “Cutting the Corn in Creeslagh” and “Close of an Irish Day”. Bridie Gallagher was of course one of the outstanding Irish singers of the 20th Century and listening to her lovely recorded songs on Saturday afternoon was like a nostalgic journey into the past. Well done too to Pat O’Donovan for bringing us all these old and wonderful songs in his programme.
Student’s Reign of Terror
While we are well used to hearing accounts of various acts of vandalism happening throughout the country and elsewhere from irresponsible elements it is something else when there are reports as there have been during the past week about students from Limerick University creating havoc for the local residents near the College during Charity Week activities there. By all accounts the residents of College Court were practically under siege and it was reported that a minority of students went berserk in the early days of last week when rubbish bins were set alight, cars vandalised and a tree uprooted and rammed through a car window. One resident who lives alone was reported as having woken to find her rubbish bin emptied and its contents set alight on her doorway and her bin left on top of her garage. These activities were said to have left residents, landlords and fellow students in shock and indeed that was no wonder. Local Councillor Michael Sheahan described College Court as resembling “a bomb site” on Tuesday morning. The Castleconnel area Councillor said that he was told that the students were trying to emulate what had happened during Rag Week in Galway when there was a riot in Supermacs. Michael Sheahan also stated that he was calling on the College Authorities at the highest level to engage with students and the Gardaí to take measures to contain the events of Rag Week inside the College Grounds. Now while it is well known that during some of those College Rag Weeks which are held in aid of Charities of various kinds and which in many instances are to be commended, there are often high-spirited pranks played out by the students. But generally such activities are of a harmless kind and are not designed to hurt or harm anybody. One would expect that 3rd Level Students who are getting top level education and who are in many ways the cream of our young people should know how to behave themselves and set an example to less educated and less privileged members of our society . Naturally the vandalism that occurred in Limerick last week was instigated and led by a small minority of students but it should not have happened.