by Peg Prendeville

Congratulations once again to the Athea Drama group who, as usual, did so well at the weekend. Great acting by all. It was nice to see that Domhnall recovered so quickly from his topple the week beforehand. I am always impressed by the work that goes into staging a production like this. Nobody realizes the amount of time and work that goes on for months ahead while the cast learn their lines and practice a few times a week. Meanwhile many people are involved in making up the set which was so well done also. Top marks to all the team.

Killeaney AFC is selling lines towards a raffle to be held in Knockdown on Easter Saturday night 7th April. First prize is €500 and after that there are holiday vouchers, bags of turf, Easter eggs etc. There are ten prizes altogether. Lines €2 or three for €5.

A Fun Quiz will take place in the Knockdown Arms on Friday 16th March, starting at 9pm sharp. €20 for tables of 4 and prizes for 3 teams. Music & craic afterwards if time permits. Proceeds in aid of Ballyhahill National School and all are welcome to attend. With all the cutbacks in recent times schools are struggling so I’m sure that all support will be greatly appreciated.

The local ICA guild will be meeting next Tuesday night in the Parish Hall, Ballyhahill. There is a whole shake up of the ICA nationwide this year, and all officers have to move on and make way for new. The same goes for Ballyhahill/Loughill. This is an ideal time to consider joining the organization no matter where you live. Many young women are joining around the country. In Newcastle West a whole new young guild has opened up which is great to see. So maybe it is time for the young women in our parish to invade also. Consider it! Meetings held at 8pm every second Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall. Fáilte.

Set dancing continues in the Hall every Monday night from 8.30 to 10.30 pm. Great fun and great exercise too. All welcome.

Confirmation took place in Loughill Church on Tuesday 6th for the schoolchildren of Ballyhahill and Loughill with Canon O’Keeffe, Shanagolden officiating.

Knockdown Vintage is organizing a “Run” on the 25th March. Watch out for it.