Athea Ladies Football Club
Registration Night
Athea Ladies are having a regristration night for new and current players on Friday, Feb. 17th at the club house from 7pm to 8pm all are welcome.
Insurance Money for Under 10’s is €20. Under 12 / 14 / 16’s is €35 and Seniors are €50 . Money can be paid on the night or in instalments.
Church Gate Collection
There will be a Church gate collection in aid of Down Syndrome at all Masses this weekend Feb. 11th/12th. Your support for this very worthy cause would be greatly appreciated
Help Wanted
For bag packing on Easter weekend 7th, 8th April to raise funds for Aislinn Adolescent Addiction Treatment Centre. If any of the organisations or the youth clubs in the parish would like to help out it would be much appreciated.
Please contact Mary T. on 087-2708603
or Denny on 087-2848014 a.s.a.p.
Public will not be fooled by Government’s
€5 registration charge for septic tanks
The Sinn Féin TD for North Kerry & West Limerick Martin Ferris has said the public will not be bribed by the government’s reduced septic tank registration charge. Deputy Ferris said the Minister for Environment Phil Hogan must ensure that the cost of any upgrading of septic tanks will not be borne by already struggling households.
Speaking today Deputy Ferris said:
“The government must stop playing mind games with the registration cost. The registration fee, regardless of cost, is not the biggest concern for families. The key issue is the standard against which their tanks will be assessed and the cost of upgrading.
“The minister has moved the goal posts on several occasions. The appeals process was to cost €200 now it is reduced to €20 while the registration is now a once off €5. All these changes, while welcome, were brought about by public pressure. But the core issues for the public are the funding of upgrades and the standards.
“The current situation is farcical. We have legislation that demands the registration of septic tanks and the upgrading of these septic tanks but there are no standards to assess them by and no financial assistance for households to carry out the necessary work.
“The legislation as it stands is extremely punitive. It dictates that householders will be dragged through the courts and may be fined up to €5,000 if they cannot comply with these secret standards. This threatening behaviour by Minster Hogan is unacceptable and will be rejected by the public.
“Sinn Féin fully supports the protection of our water supply and the wider environment. But the government must stop luring the public into a false sense of security with their €5 bribe. Minister Hogan must announce, sooner rather than later, that full funding will be made available to households.”
Athea Foróige Youth Club
“Pancake Day Charity Fundraiser”
Wednesday 15th February
10am – 4pm at Con Colbert Hall
The young people of Athea Foroige will be making pancakes throughout the day with a wide choice of toppings. A delicious selection of cakes & scones, Tea, Coffee, & dilute for kids.
Athea N.S. Children After School Special
Pancake + Topping + Bun + Drink….€2.00
Foroige Ireland is a Charity run organisation & it is all about DEVELOPMENT……the development of Young People,
and their ACTIVE involvement in the development of
their Community. We need to ask for your support for this to continue, so that the next generation of teenagers can be a part of Foroige……to grow POSITIVELY in these challenging times, and with respect and passion for their Community.