Padddy Faley R.I.P., Dave Browne,, West Limerick 102 and Dan Keane R.I.P.

Dan (Monie) Keane R.I.P.

On Sunday last a great fried to Athea was buried at Gale Bridge. Dan Keane (pictured right with another great literary man, Paddy Faley, who left us last year, and Dave Brown of West Limerick 102) knew and drank tea in every house in the parish during his years as an insurance agent.  He was never in a hurry and took time to write a few lines of poetry in praise of the people of the household when the mood struck him. His many talents are well documented elsewhere but it would be remiss of us not to acknowledge his involvement with Athea as a poet, song writer, comedian, adjudicator and historian. One of his many books “Around Athea”  contains a detailed list of the townland placenames around the parish with their Irish manes and translations as well. He mentions all the little rivers and streams also and includes some history and a few poems and songs. It is a lovely, scholarly piece of work and should be in every home. Cáirde Duchais has had a long association with Dan and did most of his typing and printing for him. Athea Community Council were  especially grateful to him for the use of his book when they took on the task of erecting   townland plaques around the parish. We will write more on Dan at a later date but while we mourn his loss, we must be grateful for his long and productive life.

Sincere sympathy to all the Keane family


Athea Ladies Football club 

Athea Ladies Football Club will hold their annual Church gate collection this weekend, January 14th/15th at all Masses. They would greatly appreciate your support.


Athea Branch West Limerick Sinn Féin 

Will hold their A.G.M. at the Top of the Town on Wednesday next January 18th at 8pm.


January Ceili

Athea monthly  Comhaltas Ceilí will be held at The Railway Bar, Abbeyfeale on Friday January 20th.  Music by Stríolán Ceilí Band


Used Stamps Appeal 

A reminder to continue collecting your used stamps for Fr. Seamus Reihill, from St. Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow.

“Fr Stamps” as he is known, sells them to stamp dealers all over the world to raise money for the missions.

You can drop the stamps in to the office here for collection at any time.


 Notes From West Limerick Resources



The Newcastle West Family and Community Hub will host a public talk for parents of children grieving as a result of death or separation on Monday January 30th from 7.30-9pm.  Lead by Psychotherapist/Play Therapist Tina O’Brien, this information evening will cover a range of areas including what children experience when they lose someone, age appropriate ways to talk to a child, activities for children that help them with their grief and things to look out for that may indicated your child needs extra help.  The talk will be followed by a question and answer session and an opportunity to sign up to two additional workshops which will further explore topics such as bereavement and parental separation. All sessions are free of charge and open to West Limerick residents.  Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.  To book a place contact Theresa on 069 79113 or email [email protected].  All are welcome.



The Attention Deficit Disorder Mid-West Support Group will host a workshop on ADD/ADHD and co-existing conditions in St. Ita’s Hall Abbeyfeale on January 25, 2012 for parents of children attending Secondary School. Running from 11am to 12.30pm, including tea break, it is open to parents/Carers/Teachers who can explore and gain a better understanding of the symptoms and its effects on school and home life. ADHD is a behavioral disorder characterised by symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Contact: Clare on 068 32444 or Mary on 087 9382883.




The Rainbows Peer Support Programme for children grieving loss or separation has a number of places available for the following age group: 6 – 10 years. This programme is planned to begin this month in Abbeyfeale.

Please note this programme is run by trained volunteers but is not a counseling or therapy service.  Contact Dearbhla or Mary on 068 32444. Application forms available in West Limerick Resources, the Square Abbeyfeale.


Public Meeting on new Septic Tank regulations

to take place in Tralee

A meeting to discuss the implications of the Government’s decision to impose a charge and potential fines of €5,000 on people who own septic tanks is to take place in Tralee next Monday night.
The meeting, which is being organised by Sinn Féin TD Martin Ferris, will be held in the Ballyroe Heights Hotel on Monday January 16th at 8.00pm.
This meeting follows on from a previous meeting in Listowel in December which was attend by 400 people and a similar meeting in Newcastle West last night.

Deputy Ferris said:

“Rural householders are already paying the Universal Social Charge, increased mortgage repayments, rising fuel bills, increased school transport charges and now this further expense, together with the new Household Charge and the proposed water charges, will push people over the point where they can cope.
“Successive governments have had since 1975 to get their act together on the issue of septic tanks, yet they chose to ignore it until they were faced with threats of huge fines by the EU. People who have installed septic tanks, in line with their planning permission, are not to blame and should not be burdened with the potential of huge costs and fines.

Hi to all Athea Community and Athea CFR’s: Well another year is upon us and time to reflect where we have come from and where we are heading in 2012. The Athea Community First Responder’s were set up in June 2008 with 14 budding volunteers. Since that date has gone on to provide Life Support training through a network of Ambulance Services qualified instructors, all of which are from – within the Athea CFR system training over 70 persons. They provide a Nationally recognised Irish Heart Foundation (IHF) and Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (Phecc) Cardiac First Responder training. Throughout the 4 years the CFR personnel have responded, on a number of occassions, to a range of Emergency Medical Care situations that include meeting the needs of 5 Life threatening emergencies: Stroke / Breathing difficulties-respiratory arrest / Heart attack / Heart stoppage-cardiac arrest / Unresponsiveness – unconsciouness, and on a few occassion to someone showing signs of severe breathing difficulties or sudden collapse.
All CFR’s are trained through initial 6 hours programme and then progress to a range of other updates that include refresher training every 90 days, of one hour refamilarisation. 90 day updates are thestandard set out for CFR groups who achieve affiliation with the 999-112 HSE Ambulance services, and act on their behalf. Hence you can rest assured that the CFR walking into your house-home or has the credibility to provide 1st Class skills and excellent readiness to
provide the best practice.
Dr Kieran Murphy has been a stalwart in his enthusiam and support for the CFR system, in fact it was a chance discussion he and I had in November 2007 that started it all off. He has tirelessly been committed in many ways to the CFR development. I can tell you from my affilitations with HSE Ambulance service both HSE West and South, that Kieran is highly regarded as ” a man you can rely on “, Athea CFR’s have enjoyed exactly that. In fact Kieran has for the past two years provided a range of education evenings of key Topics that expand CFR’s thinking and Understanding of WHAT they are Doing.
Looking forward 2012 all CFR’s are required to undergo 2 yearly re-certification training this year for the Cardiac First Responder (Phecc Certification). This training will HAVE to take place by the end of April to enusre all CFR’s achieve Live registration with PHECC. Thre are a few new standards introduced since 2010 protocol, so it will be an interesting and stimulating new programme of learning that will expand the CFR’s capacity & understanding. All this work could not have happened if it were not for the energy of all the Volunteers – CFR’s and Instructors who over the past 3-4 years have been rearranging their lives to make the system work. I would like to say a special thanks to all the instructors who provided such great enthusiasm : Caroline Ahern / Denis Casey / Mike Hayes / Sean Liston / Joanne Murphy / Nora Sheehan. 2012 will see opportunities for several CFR’s progressing to become IHF – Phecc Instructors.  Lots happening for all. Any CFR Member is welcome to any Committee meeting and any member of the community can attend talk to Mary Sheahan Athea CFR secretary to find out dates and place 2012 hopefully will be the year that Athea CFR gets a base. We are awaiting the Athea Community Council to acquired usage of the old Library building. According to Donal de Barra it will be some time in 2012 that all the transfer process will conclude and we would be able to have a Athea CFR HQ to Locate ourselve there as a matter of business location rather than relying on Peoples houses for kit and equipment.
Finally if you are reading this and would like to gain the skills of Life Support practice (for you and your family) we will be holding a training days sometime in February – March and will advertise in the Parish news soon. The course will cost you €25! If you progress to Join the CFR system you will receive a refund of that cost after one year (so it will cost you only your time). If you have a current Irish
Heart Foundation, 2010 – 2011 Heart Saver AED programme / 2011 Heart
Saver CPR programme then come and join Athea CFR and we will take you
onto develop Phecc Approved Cardiac First Responder training for free.
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year, we set ourselves up to make a difference ” we are on your doorstep, we are on our way”
Remember 087 27 37 077 Athea CFR Mobile on call 6pm – 8am Every day –  All weekends and Public holidays
Mise le meas, Rodge Byrne Training Director