by Peg Prendeville
Sincere sympathy to Nancy Langan and family, Glenagragra on the death of her sister Eileen this week. May she rest in peace.
The parish Senior Citizens Party will be held in the Parish Hall on Sunday January 22nd. This is always a great day in the parish and gives the older generation a chance to meet and have fun together. The Gerald Griffins wrenboys, who organise the day, are to be commended for their generosity.
The Parish Hall committee had a meeting during last week to ensure that all plans for the Parish annual are going ahead. We would appeal to all clubs and schools to please send in their reports to us as soon as possible but definitely before the middle of February! It only takes one evening to sit down and put them together! The committee wish to thanks the young Tenekilla wrenboys, ten of whom are grandchildren to Daisy and Michael Kearney, who gave a generous donation of €165 to the Parish Hall committee. Thank you. The Parish Hall was used last week to cater for the family and friends of Miriam Reidy on the 1st anniversary of her death in January 2011. The Reidy’s wish to thank everyone who helped out on the day. Remember the Hall is there for everyone and we should be proud to have such a fine facility in our parish.
Statistically the 3rd Monday in January is considered to be the most depressing day of any year so now that we have passed it, we look forward to brighter spring days with the evenings lengthening and the moods lifting. There is so much negative stuff coming from the media that we have to cling to the hope of sunnier days ahead. Let us hope it will not be like the Spring of ‘95 of which I found a poem which I wrote back then!
Spring ’95
Such excitement here this morning when I looked out from my room
Expecting pelting rain and wind and the usual air of gloom
“Mammy, Mammy” my son called, “What’s that yellow thing in the sky?”
I was sure I was still dreaming and massaged my sleepy eyes.
But, a miracle had happened, the sun shone with all its might.
The grass and trees looked greener from the wondrous heat and light.
And the daffodils were laughing as they tossed their golden curls,
The tinkling stream sang merrily -we were in a different world.
Oh yes, our eyes had been defogged and everything was quite clear
Gone were the grey and dreary days, the hailstones, rain and sleet.
Spring had arrived belatedly and put us all in humour
For gardening, cleaning, dusting and making plans for
By evening time we were all tired but full of fun and cheer.
We thanked our God in Heaven that at last fine weather’s here.
Tonight I check the forecast to see how long ‘twill stay.
But all I see are big black clouds! Ah, well, we had ONE day!