Going Strong/ St. Vincent De Paul

The Annual Christmas Dinner and Party will be held at the Top of the Town on Wednesday, December 14th 2011. Mass in Church at 12.30pm and dinner served immediately afterwards.

Membership of the Going Strong is €10 per annum. This money is used towards the cost of the Christmas party. Non paid up members/non members are requested to pay €10. Fees can be paid at the time of giving your name. Names can be given to committee members.

As this is a hot meal it is important that we have names of those wishing to attend. All Welcome.


St. Vincent De Paul

The annual Church gate collection will take place on Sat. Dec. 10th/Sun.11th at all Masses. Your support, as always would be very much appreciated.


Used Clothing Appeal

 Dochas  Nasamu, which is an Irish run and Irish built orphanage,in Nairobi,Kenya, are holding a used clothing appeal of  ladies, gents and childrens  clothes, shoes, household linens  i.e.  towels, sheets, blankets  etc.  Also, soft toys, handbags  etc.

This appeal will take place on  MONDAY  12 TH  DECEMBER  BEFORE 12 NOON  at  Athea  Church  Grounds.

For further information, please contact Marie on  087  6890995.


Used Stamps Appeal

A reminder to collect your used stamps again this year for Fr. Seamus Reihill, from St. Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow.

“Fr Stamps” as he is known, sells them to stamp dealers all over the world to raise money for the missions.

Last year there was a great response to this request and the collectors were very grateful for this.

You can drop the stamps in to the office here for collection at any time.